Is it on a scale of WMD? Maybe. Truth is all parties will tell you what they want you to hear. This one is no different. There was no credible alternative at the election. There won't be at the next one either. Name calling, 'Scum' and 'Liar', is not the way I want to see politics go. If it is allowed it becomes nothing but a playground and it's not so far from that already at times. The rules are there for a reason.
The country deserves a better opposition. Starmer just doesn't cut it and as for Raynor what does she do? Starmer obviously doesn't rate her, for good reason, and wanted her out, but he's stuck with her because of Labour voting rules. She not an upgrade on Abbott and that says a lot.
It's difficult to say that Johnson has told one big lie that has been as damaging or cost as many lies as Blair's WMD. It was catastrophic.
An honest Covid enquiry might make it less easy to say though and, although I think the Iraq war and WMD lie were abhorrent, you have to remember that there were other forces - American foriegn policy, international espionage - that were also significant factors in leading us down that path.
The difference for me is that Blair's decision/lie cost lives and whether he should have had the moral courage to go against America (I think he should) is something that should torment him. I suspect many British PMs, if not all, would have come to the same (utterly, morally wrong) decision in the face of American pressure.
For the rest of Blair's premiership, I don't view him as particularly, habitually dishonest and I do think that, like May, Major, Brown and even Thatcher, he had a (potentially misguided - for all of them) sense of doing what is good for thee country and public service.
Johnson's dishonesty is different. It's what he is. It's his core. It's his personality. It's the reason why he has lost almost every iob he has had. It is his day to day life. He has ko sense of public service because he doesn't view the public as anything other than a vehicle to get him in positions to boost his own ego. He is dishonest on a day to day basis and has been.all his life.
It isn't that he had told a lie. As people say, you'll be hard pushed to find a politician that hasn't (and Blair's big lie was a human disaster for millions).
No, it's not that Johnson has told a lie. It's that he is, at his essence, a liar. Not just in his professional life. In everything he does and says.
So, he is comfortable in having complete disregard for the people of the country because doing so is just an extension of how he has behaved all his life.
And that is why this government, under his leadership and stuffed full of others with dubious sense of right/wrong (Patel etc) is utterly more dishonest and corrupt at its core, willing to break with convention and being held to account, than any other we've had.
No one with any sense of what is good for the country, should be happy with that being near power, regardless of the alternatives. An average, less than memorable government is always more preferable to a dishonest one.