De Bruyne?

People (not specifically you) make these comments on Txiki's performance - yet they do not know the brief he has been given by Soriano and Khaldoon. Yes it will certainly have aspects of securing top players, but I guess that it will also include securing a professional reputation and this being demonstrated in how we do business. Why should the Sheik, Khaldoon - or any one at the club - and this includes fans - want to be sneered at as some thick lottery winner that can be mugged off because they know no better. The club is becoming increasingly professional in all areas - and it is time that we made transfer dealings the same.

And who actually can evidence poor performance by Txiki in this KDB affair - the comments made on here are so banal. He has likely spent months preparing the ground through the agent and thereby getting the player onside, then choosing the right time to approach the club - he is perhaps better qualified than anyone on here to determine when that should be.

Of course the selling club were always going to play hard-ball. What would have happened if we had gone in straight away with £50m - they would have accepted?? I doubt it - more like they would have thought "lets milk the chavs for £75m" - and there would have been some crass negotiation settling on £60mish.

I think that Ric is right and we are likely to end up with a settlement between that offered and that requested - has anyone actually thought to give Txiki credit for therefore getting the starting point of expectation lower so that the eventual settling point is lower?

I think thats a very good and logical view on the whole transfer window for us. People can be selective in the information they pull out of things and Khladoons end of season review is the perfect example. He said we would go after the best this summer and everyone took that as Sterling, Pogba and KDB. He also said we are now in a position where we wont be held to ransom by clubs when we are in for their players. We have to be realistic in these transfers and have faith in the people who have delivered 5 years of fantastic football and success.

If Wolfsburg are taking the piss (and why wouldn't they seeing as they seem not to want to really sell) then surely we have to either negotiate or walk away. Txiki will surely have a very clear mandate on how much it will take in the clubs mind to get these players. If Wolfsburg want 5/10 million more than that then surely the club is now in a position to walk away and say thanks, but no thanks.
And you my friend are talking bollocks.I have supported this club for 47 years and i was there in the old second[in effect the third] division standing getting piss wet through,watching us get tonked by some mediocre side, in some shitehole of a ground and getting the piss taken out of us by the local inbreds.

Those days are thankfully gone and like it or lump it we ARE the richest club in the world and some of us want to see us competing worldwide at the very top and winning a shed load of trophies before we shed off this mortal coil.We will NEVER be rags in Blue due to that misery and grounding we all endured and in spite of the laughs along the way it was on the whole fucking misery! Now you and some others might still want to stand there in sack cloth and ashes saying,''At least we are not rags,we have the right attitude!'' but some of us want some joy and sunshine in our lives,we have on the whole fucking earned it with big shiny bells on! If spending a lot of money to watch the top players in sky blue and wanting to see us win trophies makes us rags then i have news for you....we already are,or you have fallen asleep and missed the last seven years!

Fair play to you - but a lot of other posters on here, me included, can match that record of being a supporter. I am proud of myself and I am proud of blues like you.

Where you and I differ is the bit that I have bolded. Has the Sheik not already delivered that in spades?? Will we not see more evidence of that when we pitch up at the revamped stadium on Monday - following quickly on the back of the CFA recently opened etc????

Fuck me - sunshine???? I saw my beloved CITY in Barce fucking lona these last 2 years !!! How much sunshine can you want.

You mention what has been earned with shiny bells on - well I think that the Sheik has earned a lot of respect and patience from us fans. His choice of Chairman - Khaldoon - runs the business and seems also to be earning a fuck-off load of respect. I will trust his judgement in picking the management team and setting the direction and policy for the club - seems to be doing a fucking ace job of it so far!!

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