De Bruyne?

It's going to happen eventually. KDB doesn't want to look bad, Wolfsburg want to look like they put up a fight and we are in no rush to sign him(obviously before the window closes). It will happen, but Wolfsburg want it on their terms which is fair enough as he is their player. Great signing WHEN it happens, but for the next few games we don't really need him, so no rush
I'm losing hope by the day. It seems to be the same story every day and as each day passes, the more I doubt the deal happens. I hope he arrives but I've told myself that this is dead in the water so I can't be disappointed whatever happens.
I think we have all been around long enough not to
Although I quite liked the idea of KDB driving his truck at the front of a convoy. Of course, this theory will fall down when he gets to Calais.

Wolfsburg say he is playing against Cologne on Saturday. Seems to be brinksmanship. There is something perversely appealing about the 11.59pm deal on deadline day, although that's not going to happen, is it?

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