De Bruyne?

I'm sure the club are frustrated that this is taking longer than they'd like, but issuing any ultimatum would be self-defeating as it would most likely see the deal collapse.

As said earlier, the only important thing is that the deal gets done. Whether that's tomorrow or September 1st doesn't really matter in the scheme of things.

It's only fans who are impatient and pissed off. I suspect that won't influence the club's decisions. They're taking a long term view.

I guess it would be a different story if we had to line up a plan B or alternative if De bruyne stayed with Wolfsburg. I guess we havent put a deadline on this transfer becuase we happy with the squad and are not interested to upgrade just for the sake of it....It's De Bruyne or noone so happy to let this play out as long as we need to....
As I see it Wolfsburg no we aint in for pogba anymore so no we have the funds for him and funds for kdb...they are doing exactly what any other club would do even our own..they are holding out and pushing for the biggest amount possible...basically they are saying put your money where your mouth to has been said they have no reason to sell so will demand whatever they need fit to finalise a deal...we will not walk away from this to much time and effort has been put into kdb has not signed the deal on the table at Wolfsburg has he...have a think about it boys and girls...all good things come to those who wait
If it was off I would assume he would at least tell VK, as he hasn't there may still be a chance. The fact he has not asked for a transfer will have cost us £5-10m, at a guess, if the deal go through.

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