De Bruyne?

Neil Custis of The Sun in answering his papers Exclusive of Neymar Bale Pogba etc are based only the Rags and Chelsea INTEREST in the player and on that basis like us with Messi we currently haven't got a prayer ,Regarding Debruynehow long have we actually been in negotiation with Wolfsburg According to them we have only recently put a bid in the so called summer saga is based on the red tops, the media and over 2000 pages on Blue Moon I personally haven't seen enough of him to argue that £50 mill + is excessive in the extreme for a player that has had one terrific season

The Sun today has a photo of what it claims is Neymar's agent sat with what look like United people of some sort at yesterdays OT game. So if that photo is real it suggests it is not just made up nonsense. Even though that is a long way from him signing on.

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