De Bruyne?

Feck me. Moaninho must be scared shitless about De Bruyne racking up at City and being an absolute star and showing him up big-time.
Calling De Bruyne a cry baby in the press today. Just shows what a scum bag Moaninho is.
I'm sure probably to a point it's true, but a man with integrity would just say "the player didn't want to be here, we granted this request and we've all moved on". mourinho's a twat.
Well there are only 8 days left so someone on here will be ITK all you have to do is state the day on which he will sign. If you are a miserable twat you can also state will not sign. For me he will sign Thursday. :-)
Well at least you know it wasn't the mod who congratulated you by PM last night for your subtle and temperate opinions about another poster. Or maybe it was.
This Mod always sends a PM outlining why a post is being pulled.Think its a brilliant idea and it works well.But as Duc said "enough" so I`ll now let sleeping dogs get on with it.
The Sun today has a photo of what it claims is Neymar's agent sat with what look like United people of some sort at yesterdays OT game. So if that photo is real it suggests it is not just made up nonsense. Even though that is a long way from him signing on.

Do agent's wear united ties now?

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