De Bruyne?

1. Not everyone is high on him. Read the thread its a 70/30 split. And if you ask him or Pogba? It becomes a 40/60 spread against him.
2. Things Nasri do better: He is not the ball retainer Nasri is, he doesn't have as good of a ball technique as Nasri does, cannot fence the ball like Nasri can, and he is not the efficient passer Nasri is.

3. What he does better: He crosses better, shoots better, runs faster, passes on quicker, and is very direct on the counter. He takes on players better. I'd say they are on per moving off the ball (Nasri is a master at this, and I think DB has him even).

There you have it

But I reckon this is why we need him. Of all our midfielders Nasri, Silva, Navas and now Sterling none has a good a cross and an eye for goal like KDB. He'll bring more chances even if that means less ball retention at times.
Why are people so skeptical of Anonymous? He called the Sterling announcement date over a week in advance and is clearly not copying Tolmie or other ITK info off of here as he has contradicted their info a couple of times now.
1. Not everyone is high on him. Read the thread its a 70/30 split. And if you ask him or Pogba? It becomes a 40/60 spread against him.
2. Things Nasri do better: He is not the ball retainer Nasri is, he doesn't have as good of a ball technique as Nasri does, cannot fence the ball like Nasri can, and he is not the efficient passer Nasri is.

3. What he does better: He crosses better, shoots better, runs faster, passes on quicker, and is very direct on the counter. He takes on players better. I'd say they are on per moving off the ball (Nasri is a master at this, and I think DB has him even).

There you have it

That'll do for me sir. Get him in!

Sterling and De Bruyne even though they maybe don't keep the ball as well as Navas and Nasri. Their almost ignorance, dare I say it. Will be a breath of fresh air next season!
Nasri my arse. I thought everyone had got wise to this charlatan by now. His deficiencies will only be magnified by the directness and positivity of players like sterling and de bruyne. The days of him holding up play are gone. He needs selling if/when we get de bruyne because he is well down the pecking order.

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