De Bruyne?

The BBC are reporting we've booked his medical, doesn't give a date that I've seen though.
They're reporting the Star though, and I'm pretty sure the Star is shite. Unless of course they have given a source for that quote? Maybe the receptionist at the gaff that does our medicals has faxed them a copy of their diary!
You know what it is? The likes of Tolmie have been members on here for years, are proper City fans and have been vouched for by the site owner and several mods who have met him and know where his info comes from.
You on the other hand are a fucking snide, you go from thread to thread with your negative bollocks and add fuck all to any football related discussion.
The reason people don't 'like comments like this' are because they're tedious as fuck and are normally posted by sad, needy folk who aren't getting what they want when they want.

on the money.
Fingers crossed this will happen over the next few days, cannot wait to see this guy in a city shirt. Should be almost match fit as well with him having a full pre season so no need to wait for him to get fit.

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