Dear Atheists..

As an Atheist, I take the view that I have not seen any evidence of gods existence. I do not have to believe that god’s non existence has been proved. Hardly an intellectually discredited view.
I once died as a kid, I had to be resuscitated. I can assure you there is nothing, Just black. Heaven in on earth, we have created hell.
I do think if you spend enough time learning about ancient civilisations and in particular their writings and mythology you start to see a clear plagiarism and evolution of stories into what became the bible. That doesn't necessarily prove that God isn't real. Perhaps, like science, it's purely evolved based on human understanding and the stories have been better understood. But for me, the bible is just a rip off of far more creative and dramatic stories written thousands of years ago by Egyptians/Greeks/Romans etc.
I do think if you spend enough time learning about ancient civilisations and in particular their writings and mythology you start to see a clear plagiarism and evolution of stories into what became the bible. That doesn't necessarily prove that God isn't real. Perhaps, like science, it's purely evolved based on human understanding and the stories have been better understood. But for me, the bible is just a rip off of far more creative and dramatic stories written thousands of years ago by Egyptians/Greeks/Romans etc.
A while ago someone on here recommended a book n the History of the Bible. It’s worth a read.
well then will anyone of the (+85%) prove otherwise, not you of course you've been if i might say been rubbish at it over the years ;-)
The absurdity of the atheist position doesn't need much exposing, in fact I'd be surprised if you could find any professional philosopher to defend the idea these days. If a proof of God was as obvious it would empty our freedom to act of purpose - the moral path would simply be prudential - ergo we each have to work out the steps to salvation according to the doctrine or tenets of whatever church or religion or belief system we espouse. Or just ignore ultimate questions about our existence, what's good or bad as unanswerable or misconceived and crack on with the show - until you can't.
I'm pretty sure it is a scientist you need not any random Non believer in a divine entity.
I would ask all the Christians why didn't Jesus turn his cross into a T-rex, I mean, if he could do water into wine as a party trick, saving his life with a bit of transmogrification should have been a piece of piss, he was obviously a talented deity
As an Atheist, I take the view that I have not seen any evidence of gods existence. I do not have to believe that god’s non existence has been proved. Hardly an intellectually discredited view.
Not having good reasons to believe something is not a good reason to believe the opposite. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
Not having good reasons to believe something is not a good reason to believe the opposite. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
Which is precisely my position as stated here. Can you not read? If so, what is your point?
I'm pretty sure it is a scientist you need not any random Non believer in a divine entity.
I would ask all the Christians why didn't Jesus turn his cross into a T-rex, I mean, if he could do water into wine as a party trick, saving his life with a bit of transmogrification should have been a piece of piss, he was obviously a talented deity
Did Jesus even exist ?
I'm pretty sure it is a scientist you need not any random Non believer in a divine entity.
I would ask all the Christians why didn't Jesus turn his cross into a T-rex, I mean, if he could do water into wine as a party trick, saving his life with a bit of transmogrification should have been a piece of piss, he was obviously a talented deity
From my time at school, he died for us so that our sins could be forgiven (because we are all so sinful, but he loves us anyway- ignore the floods, the famines, the plagues) and also to fulfill the prophecy in the OT.

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