Dear Atheists..

not for everyone, so no its not "very daft"

  • The answer is no. The fact that God inaugurated a new covenant does not mean that He made a mistake with the old covenant. The reason for this, however, may not be immediately evident. The answer to the question becomes clearer when we examine Jeremiah 31:31–34, in which the prophet foresees the inauguration of the new covenant.

I didn't say God made a mistake, I said the death and resurrection of Christ replaced the Old Testament covenants in Christian theology. Why do you think Christians don't get circumcised or follow many other Jewish traditions? Feel free to read Paul's letters for more information, rather than copy pasting from a site that tells you what you want to hear. This will require you to read these books and actually learn about the theology that you are criticising really poorly.

and even if it is very daft this is from just one book of the new covenant

  1. Jesus explains why he speaks in parables: to confuse people so they will go to hell. 4:11-12
  2. Jesus sends devils into 2000 pigs, causing them to jump off a cliff and be drowned in the sea. When the people hear about it, they beg Jesus to leave. 5:12-13
  3. Any city that doesn't "receive" the followers of Jesus will be destroyed in a manner even more savage than that of Sodom and Gomorrah. 6:11
  4. Jesus criticizes the Jews for not killing their disobedient children as required by Old Testament law. (See Ex 21:15, Lev 20:9, Dt 21:18-21) 7:9-10
  5. Jesus tells us to cut off our hands and feet, and pluck out our eyes to avoid going to hell. 9:43-49
  6. God is like a rich man who owns a vineyard and rents it to poor farmers. When he sends servants to collect the rent, the tenants beat or kill them. So he sent his son to collect the rent, and they kill him too. Then the owner comes and kills the farmers and gives the vineyard to others. 12:1-9
  7. Jesus tells his disciples to eat his body and drink his blood. 14:22-24
  8. Jesus says that those that believe and are baptized will be saved, while those who don't will be damned
and that is before you get to revelations which is pretty much all violent

The Bible is about two thousand of pages long with the smallest possible print. It is a mixture of books from many different authors, some writing down common mythology, others proclaiming gospel truth or prophecy, others listing current events and many stories or parables or allegory. Doing this type of ridiculous quote mining without context (and for the record, just a cursory check of that shows how incredibly bullshit it is and how lazy you are for not bothering to check if it made sense) is some failed internet gotcha from people who don't know what they're talking about.
Bit of missionary work during the international break provides me with a little light relief and the faint possibility that some of the inveterate (and often disrespectful) atheists who inhabit this thread may find some enlightenment. You never know ;-)
Do you believe your god thinks you're doing a good job for it on here?
I didn't say God made a mistake, I said the death and resurrection of Christ replaced the Old Testament covenants in Christian theology. Why do you think Christians don't get circumcised or follow many other Jewish traditions? Feel free to read Paul's letters for more information, rather than copy pasting from a site that tells you what you want to hear. This will require you to read these books and actually learn about the theology that you are criticising really poorly.

The Bible is about two thousand of pages long with the smallest possible print. It is a mixture of books from many different authors, some writing down common mythology, others proclaiming gospel truth or prophecy, others listing current events and many stories or parables or allegory. Doing this type of ridiculous quote mining without context (and for the record, just a cursory check of that shows how incredibly bullshit it is and how lazy you are for not bothering to check if it made sense) is some failed internet gotcha from people who don't know what they're talking

Are you confusing me with the 20th century's greatest poet? Actually I think my reading would be a little better tbh
john cooper clarke for me ;-)
I didn't say God made a mistake, I said the death and resurrection of Christ replaced the Old Testament covenants in Christian theology. Why do you think Christians don't get circumcised or follow many other Jewish traditions? Feel free to read Paul's letters for more information, rather than copy pasting from a site that tells you what you want to hear. This will require you to read these books and actually learn about the theology that you are criticising really poorly.

The Bible is about two thousand of pages long with the smallest possible print. It is a mixture of books from many different authors, some writing down common mythology, others proclaiming gospel truth or prophecy, others listing current events and many stories or parables or allegory. Doing this type of ridiculous quote mining without context (and for the record, just a cursory check of that shows how incredibly bullshit it is and how lazy you are for not bothering to check if it made sense) is some failed internet gotcha from people who don't know what they're talking abou
i am quite aware how big and varied the bible is, and i have read pauls letters and listened to them being preached on (not in a while i might add) albeit around half are forgeries(not by him or certainly disputed) and also in them he never speaks about jesus/son of god as real person(which is very strange as he should known this person or at the very least be aware) in any of them only as a mythological being, for instance
i think you haven't understood my point i was making to johnny in that he said you're fools for taking the old testament as " gospel
when the new is full of just as much nastiness, so demonstrating a modicum of hypocrisy, that was the context if that's in your opinion a failed gotcha so be it
and by the way being raised in a catholic household gives me a good insight thank you very much
and on the internet mining especially the gospel bits, if you disagree with any of it feel free
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