Dear Atheists..

yep… which implies the ‘leaders’ aren’t weak. You need something about you to control others behaviour.

It’s How to extract influence, money and power from as many people as they can.

Religion is essentially just another term for a profit making business , wrapped up in a facade of mythology & symbolism, with self serving interests at the top, and with their workers doing their bidding and ensuring the business grows, lobbys, profits and attacks their rivals.

You're dodging the two main thrusts of the conversation though.

1. Your view implies almost all religious people are stupid, naive, or gullible. There's also a shared implication that people who aren't religious are the opposite and therefore superior intellectually.

2. Your view doesn't fit with the reality of the world and is instead a tiny microcosm of a highly cynical view.

And we can add the third now

3. Your view implies that religious leaders are sociopathic control freaks and liars.

The interesting thing when you talk about religion is that the conversations usually tell you more about the other person. When people don't understand something, the default reaction in the modern information age is to presume either moral or intellectual failings instead of presuming the competence of other people and actually attempting to understand the whats and whys. Somehow they feel this is more enlightened and intelligent. It's a weird form of arrogance when you think about it. "This doesn't check out with me so the only possible solution is that they are failed in some way, because if this point had merit then I would also find it compelling and I don't."
Can we not consign anyone defending Theism to the corner with the people who think the earth is flat?

It's possible for grown ups to discuss Einstein's non-dice playing Deist god. But thinking Jesus is the son of God or that Mohammed didn't just invent the verses in the Koran is batshit crazy.

I don't attack Theists on the basis of their intelligence. It's their intellectual curiosity, courage and integrity that is in question.

Accepting that your life is bounded by conception and death is difficult but ultimately liberating.
You're dodging the two main thrusts of the conversation though.

1. Your view implies almost all religious people are stupid, naive, or gullible. There's also a shared implication that people who aren't religious are the opposite and therefore superior intellectually.

2. Your view doesn't fit with the reality of the world and is instead a tiny microcosm of a highly cynical view.

And we can add the third now

3. Your view implies that religious leaders are sociopathic control freaks and liars.

The interesting thing when you talk about religion is that the conversations usually tell you more about the other person. When people don't understand something, the default reaction in the modern information age is to presume either moral or intellectual failings instead of presuming the competence of other people and actually attempting to understand the whats and whys. Somehow they feel this is more enlightened and intelligent. It's a weird form of arrogance when you think about it. "This doesn't check out with me so the only possible solution is that they are failed in some way, because if this point had merit then I would also find it compelling and I don't."
re: 1. nope, you are just making up stuff. Perhaps youre on the PL panel...

re: 2. Nope. Cynical yep, but the world and it's history is clearly the reality.

re: 3. Yep, though not to the level you suggest, again, you're just making stuff up. ironic.
The universe is vast, mostly unknown and quite amazing when you look at it.
Who the fuck knows where it all came from and what’s out there beyond the stars.
The way I look at it I’ve got about 70/80 years on this particular planet give or take and I’m not wasting any of it worrying about what comes next if anything.
I’m just out to enjoy my own little bubble.
Works for me.

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