Dear Atheists..

if there are still any people on here who believe the bible is true...

the death of judas is reported thus:

in matthew 27 (5-10)
judas gave back the money
and then hanged himself because he felt bad.

in acts 1 (18-19)
peter reckons judas bought a field with the money
and then his guts somehow spilled out into it,
now known as the field of blood.

both cannot be correct.
therefore the bible contains at least one lie.
You have around 4 grams of iron in you, forged when stars end their life just before they supernova. And you have around 0.2 miligrams of gold in you, forged when stars collide.

All the atoms in your body and, for that matter, everywhere in the universe were created in long dead stars.
if there are still any people on here who believe the bible is true...

the death of judas is reported thus:

in matthew 27 (5-10)
judas gave back the money
and then hanged himself because he felt bad.

in acts 1 (18-19)
peter reckons judas bought a field with the money
and then his guts somehow spilled out into it,
now known as the field of blood.

both cannot be correct.
therefore the bible contains at least one lie.
Is that the Bible as written by Dan Brown?
of course we are reincarnated.

we are made of star stuff.
it doesn't just vanish, it moves on.

where would you like some of your starstuff to end up after you die?

after i die,
down the line,
i'd like some of me to end up in the nipple of a really fit lesbian.
of course we are reincarnated.

we are made of star stuff.
it doesn't just vanish, it moves on.

where would you like some of your starstuff to end up after you die?

after i die,
down the line,
i'd like some of me to end up in the nipple of a really fit lesbian.
In the nipple?
The Big Bang theory is an evidence based approach to understanding the universe we inhabit.

If it is flawed, alternative theories will attempt to further our understanding. It is very unlikely that any deistic god will figure in whatever theory emerges. It is certain that no Theistic god will figure in any serious attempt to understand things.

Newton remained Einstein's hero despite the latter's model of the universe supplanting the former's.

We thought the earthquake was flat. Then we thought it was a sphere. Then we thought it was an oblate spheroid. Now we think it's slightly pear shaped (in that the southern pole is slightly thicker than the northern pole). We look for the truth and as we learn new things we modify our opinion.

Darwin drove God off planet earth, Newton drove him out of the solar system and Einstein consigned him to edges of the known universe.

I have to say comparing the scientific process to the adoption of a belief system, as some on here are trying to do, isn't very convincing.
We thought the earthquake was flat.
I've never understood the concept of reincarnation. If you come back as someone else, then it's not you! I want to come back as me.

:) If you have lived a good life, you are reincarnated as a better person. The aim is to achieve enlightenment if you have lived enough lives well. Surely you would like to live life as a better person? If you have lived a bad life, you are reincarnated as a worse person, or if particularly bad, as an animal or one of the other lower orders.

Don't have much feeling for it myself although my wife, who is spiritual, claims she can remember her past lives to some extent.

I can't argue with the fundamental philosophy, though. Do good things you are rewarded, do bad things you are fucked :)

Makes more sense to me as a belief system than be good go to heaven, be bad eternal damnation unless you repent then it's all good.

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