Dear Atheists..

james webb is going to blow our minds.

it isn't going to prove anything except the great beauty of it all.

did god do this?
did science do this?
does it even matter?

talking of matter.
or mata, not juan the rag,
but stig mata...

science proves that penetration with nails of the synovial tissue
between the carpal bones of the wrist
couldn't alone support the weight of a human body,
even with the help of additional nails in the second and third metatarsals of the feet.

crucifiction or miracle?
talking of matter.
or mata, not juan the rag,
but stig mata...

science proves that penetration with nails of the synovial tissue
between the carpal bones of the wrist
couldn't alone support the weight of a human body,
even with the help of additional nails in the second and third metatarsals of the feet.

crucifiction or miracle?
I think they were normally tied.
Not sure if Jesus was nailed also but historians generally accept he was tied too.
Not sure if Jesus was nailed
stop it.
that's the whole crux of it (geddit?)

john 20:25
acts 20:23
col 2:14
et cetera
all state, or at least intimate, he was nailed.

I see what you did.
It’s like when City took the out of context emails to CAS and we all know the verdict there.

Very naughty. You’re going to hell.
what about lilith?
that's my parting question afore bedlam this evening.

the original hebrew texts on which the bible are based say lilith was the original wife of adam.

she was created, just like adam, rosh hashanah from the same dirt.
but when lilith heard she had to do what adam told her to do she refused to be subjugated.

she fucked off sharpish and hooked up with a fella called samael.
samael translates literally as venom of god,
= the archangel of death.
samael lived in 7th heaven,
he commanded a million black angels
he was sometimes called satan.

adam had a word with his dad/god.
he was all alone, what could he do?
god/dad said pluck out a rib and create a new wife from it
(that's why men have one less rib than women)
she was subsequently named eve and she did as she was told.
so everything was all right again.

phew, humankind could develop from one set of parents,
adam and eve.
a bit odd that we are all descended from them,
questions might be asked about their children shagging each other to continue the human race,
it's against the law nowadays but heigh ho let's gloss over it.

just in case anyone thinks this is a faery tale,
the bible says the reason cain killed abel (the sons of adam and eve) was because of a fight over "the first eve".
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talking of matter.
or mata, not juan the rag,
but stig mata...

science proves that penetration with nails of the synovial tissue
between the carpal bones of the wrist
couldn't alone support the weight of a human body,
even with the help of additional nails in the second and third metatarsals of the feet.

crucifiction or miracle?
made up perchance ?

the gospels not the science ;-)
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what about lilith?
that's my parting question afore bedlam this evening.

the original hebrew texts on which the bible are based say lilith was the original wife of adam.

she was created, just like adam, rosh hashanah from the same dirt.
but when lilith heard she had to do what adam told her to do she refused to be subjugated.

she fucked off sharpish and hooked up with a fella called samael.
samael translates literally as venom of god,
= the archangel of death.
samael lived in 7th heaven,
he commanded a million black angels
he was sometimes called satan.

adam had a word with his dad/god.
he was all alone, what could he do?
god/dad said pluck out a rib and create a new wife from it
(that's why men have one less rib than women)
she was subsequently named eve and she did as she was told.
so everything was all right again.

phew, humankind could develop from one set of parents,
adam and eve.
a bit odd that we are all descended from them,
questions might be asked about their children shagging each other to continue the human race,
it's against the law nowadays but heigh ho let's gloss over it.

just in case anyone thinks this is a faery tale,
the bible says the reason cain killed abel (the sons of adam and eve) was because of a fight over "the first eve".

A few inaccuracies there


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