Dear Mike Dean

OK, I just got back so I've had around 6 hours to calm down and compose a dignified critique of his performance:
He's a fucking **** who knows the square root of bugger all about the laws of football.
The foul on Jesus was a red card every day of the week as there wasn't a covering player even close.
The two footed out of control lunge at Jesus was another straight red irrespective of Cook playing the ball first.
The booking of Sterling wasn't for over celebration or any other such bollox, it's because the goal cost Bournemouth a point and cost him his bung. If you don't like that comment please explain the decisions above.
Finally we had all the local dildos (or is that dildoes) wondering where the extra time came from. It came from the 30 or 40 seconds it took the keeper to take every goal kick, it came from several of their players having a lie down (including in stoppage time) because they knew they couldn't compete when it came to football. Watch the tactics they employed today and you see they just flushed their squeaky clean reputation right down the shitter. which is where we should flush Mike Dean and that fat bastard steward.
Almost 60 mpg for the

540 mile round trip; what's not to like?
Yeah, remember thinking early in the second half the time wasting by Bournemouth was almost cowardly. 1-1 at home the fucking shithouses.
Yeah, remember thinking early in the second half the time wasting by Bournemouth was almost cowardly. 1-1 at home the fucking shithouses.
From what I can remember the ball wasn't in play from 88 to 92 minutes due to yet another B'mouth player stricken down. I was thinking at the time, how can there only be five mins injury time when we have just lost four?
Dean's performance at Stoke last season was shocking but he outdid that today. Simply lost the plot. Anyone notice the arrogance he displayed sending Sterling off - utterly contemptible.
An accent over the U works fine. It's not allowed mind

what would my mother say.
The rules say a player should not go into the crowd - Motd confirms.
BUT my take on this was Sterling did not reach the crowd i.e. going over any boards or barriers BECAUSE he did not get there.
The fans had come over the barriers and the Stewards and Police were trying to keep them contained. Sergio was seen picking up a Police helmet and trying to find out whose it belonged to. - nothing more.The f*cking irony of this is Sterling will not be available next week against 'Pool.
The ref was f*cki'n' awful. 2 matches now when the whole world can see 2 second yellows has cost us 2 suspensions. - and they cannot be recinded.
Football is going down the f*ckin' drain.
It is about time that someone at CITY complained to the FA or is it the PL. They are ruining the game.
Sterling scores and celebrates - the bar-stewards have seen to it he will not be available next week. I feel for the lad.

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