Dear Mike Dean

I'm trying to work that out myself. Bit groggy this morning :-)
Lets keep it with "groggy" as it will save me typing a long rant about distance, time, speed limits (there are only a few miles between Stoke and home; M60-J17, that don't have a 50 limit), speed cameras, the time it takes to get from the ground to the car, the need for a break in the driving, the state of the fucking motorway network and bank holiday drivers.
Finally we had all the local dildos (or is that dildoes) wondering where the extra time came from. It came from the 30 or 40 seconds it took the keeper to take every goal kick..
That's just reminded me of a Dean special. When a keeper is time wasting, instead of running up and showing a yellow card, he chooses to stop the keeper from eventually taking the kick and from half way down the pitch we get a variation of semaphore communication (pointing at watch, french shrugging etc) indicating that time wasting should cease, therefore wasting another 20 seconds before the keeper then resets the ball, inches backwards to his starting position .. and continues as before for the rest of the game. Very odd. Happened yesterday .
Lets keep it with "groggy" as it will save me typing a long rant about distance, time, speed limits (there are only a few miles between Stoke and home; M60-J17, that don't have a 50 limit), speed cameras, the time it takes to get from the ground to the car, the need for a break in the driving, the state of the fucking motorway network and bank holiday drivers.
hat doffed. Have a good one..
What pissed me off was rhe rags somehow saying that we had Dean bought for allowing the extra time YEP the same team that invented it
Nah, mate, Arter didn't commit the foul on that first challenge, even though he was there, it was the other player. Arter was just the one in the TV frame when it was shown and the commentator got it wrong!
Sorry mate, we must be talking about a different challenge. Arter definitely committed the foul I was referring to and it should have been the first of 2 bookings. Although he'd probably have escaped the second one when Dean realised he'd already booked him.
Just watched the extended highlights again and I still cant believe how an experienced ref like Dean got so many decisions wrong

One of the "there is no agenda/bias" crew will eventually crawl out from under their stone and proffer the customery boring explanations such as all clubs are treated the same, swings and roundabouts, evens itself out over a season, fans of all clubs think refs are against them.
I have been waiting a long time for the season when it all evens out. After only 3 games it sure ain't going to be this season.

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