Declan Rice

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Grealish isn't worth £100m.

The market dictates and we can either shit or get off the pot and allow other teams to catch up.

We have our foot on the neck of football, this is absolutely the time we should keep it there and destroy optimism elsewhere.

I saw a piece yesterday which said when United won the Treble in 99, they went out and bought Silvestre, Taibi and some other no mark for a combined for £10m.

Arsenal said thanks for very much.

I agree with the sentiment but Rice imo is not the player to be stamping our authority on. I know if Pep fancies him then whodafuk am I to disagree right? I'm just a fan at the end of the day. But classic threads like De Rossi, Hazard, Kaka, this....feels much more of a 'not arsed either way' type of signing than any of those.

Of course, I could never have predicted Ake or Akanji to be instrumental in a treble winning campaign either, so there is always that, but then they were not at the expense of other alternative marquee signings either.
Sam Lee (I know, I know) said Rice’s preference is the Arse munchers.

Yea,but he would,he's also claimed Walker was going to Munich,he's a know nothing ****,who think's he's up the chain a bit as he has asked Pep a few questions live....

The staying in London is possibly true,but that will also signal the individuals intentions and ambitions, like I say we ain't walked away yet it seems....not yet anyway.
Being old school I'd say Rice is way over priced but what does it matter? The PL is awash with cash, we've just banked nearly 300 mill in prize money alone for winning the treble & there's no sign that revenues are going to collapse any time soon for top end PL clubs.

Too much money chasing a small number of quality players equals increased prices. It's a basic economic supply and demand issue that is being seen in most parts of your daily life right now. Prices aren't coming down.

That said, I wouldn't be too unhappy if we stepped aside and said to Arsenal 'After you, Claude'
Everything is relative- why do we care what he costs? As a punter and City fan, I want to be entertained and win. I pay for that privilege. It’s not for me to worry about the cost of putting on that show. The club are responsible for the finances and I couldn’t care less how it’s done. I’m not sure why others get in a lather about it. City can clearly afford it, they’ve earned it by being shrewd and successful so dont worry about it.

Yes, everything is relative thats exactly why we SHOULD be worrying about it!!! The match-going fan, television subscribers etc are contributing to his transfer fee and wages. These costs are ultimately passed on. Maybe if I didn't go to games and watched on some dodgy box it wouldn't bother me too much but I do.

These sums are totally skewing the market. He might not be in our starting 11 ffs as he's nowhere near as good as Rodri and KDB. Obscene amounts for somebody that isn't even a match winner.

West Ham escaping relegation and images of him lifting the Johnstone's Paint European trophy aloft has added another £40 million+ to his price tag.
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When City put in the official bid I was confident, as I assumed we wouldn't go down that route if we weren't certain he would join. Presumably Arsenal are similarly confident. I guess we'll see today where City stand, if we aren't planning on bidding again I'm sure we'll leak that we have walked away, as we did with Koulibaly etc.
yeah but i assume most west ham fans want a good striker dont they?
Balogun will go for 35-40m. Inter and AC Milan interested. Scored 22 goals in ligue 1. 21 years old grew up in London, committed to the American national team. Will replace Pulisic as the golden boy of American football. Plenty of marketing opportunity.

So much upside potential with Balogun. That being said, I can see Moyes preferring Phillips to Balogun. Because Balogun isnt a target man and well its David Moyes. One of the reasons United fans were slightly optimistic about offering Maguire and McTominay is because they are 'David Moyes type players'. If West Ham's manager were Emery or De Zerbi, they would prefer Balogun everyday over the week of Phillips. But because its Moyes, you just never know

Anyways, whatever happens it will be an all cash deal. No player swaps
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