Derby Day Display

Flags are a good idea, but as with everything in moderation!

I too would like to see them kept out for the majority of the match. It looks good, and could encourage atmosphere. But, there cannot be too many. People moan about being stuck behind one, honestly it's not that bad if only behind one or two. If we had them spread out, it'd look great and should be ok for most people.

Recently, I went over to Germany to watch an FC Ingolstadt 04 game - I'm the only UK member so it was a fairly big deal. As I know a fair few of the 'ultras' we went and stood on the Sudtribune terrace right in the middle of the boisterous lot. Now this was where all the flags were, and I mean all of them! Too many can result in a fairly poor view, now mine wasn't bad and it didn't bother me but it could grate on some.


Here's an image of my view the other week.

In regards to that experience, it made me also appreciate greatly the use of capo's and drums.

Now, there's a real stigma around the above two - but if used correctly they are great. The drum helps keep the rhythm and quite simply drowns out opposing fans songs. The prime example was the Champions League match against 'Gladbach the other week. Evidently and quite obviously, their fans were dominating ours; which was to be expected. But when the 1894 lads and signing sections started something in response the away fans just started up with the drum again and our song was drowned out. I think some need to re-evaluate and be more open to atmosphere suggestions.

The same applies to a capo, in regards that said person keeps rhythm and gets the song going. I've got a great video from my time in Germany of a song getting going with a capo, unfortunately I can't upload it. For those who think this removes the spontaneity of English football, it really doesn't. Fans are still able to get songs going, the capo just allows some organisation and order to things.

Obviously standing, cheap tickets (22 euros for two standing for us) and beer in your seat helps; and the chances are we won't be seeing most of these anytime soon. But I think it's imperative that we have a more open outlook on singing and openly look to employ techniques from other countries. Who knows people might like them and they be a success - we'll never know if they aren't suggested and or tried.

Great post. Ultimately it needs more fans to care about the atmosphere and unfortunately it seems most fans seem to care but always want other people to generate it for them. If you're in the ground you are part of the atmosphere! When a song starts, join in, it really isn't that hard. It does need radical thinking and I agree with you that things are getting so desperate that a drum/capo may be the radical change we need, but even that will fail without the fans support - as the bloody minded fans will simply not join in out of principle.
Great post. Ultimately it needs more fans to care about the atmosphere and unfortunately it seems most fans seem to care but always want other people to generate it for them. If you're in the ground you are part of the atmosphere! When a song starts, join in, it really isn't that hard. It does need radical thinking and I agree with you that things are getting so desperate that a drum/capo may be the radical change we need, but even that will fail without the fans support - as the bloody minded fans will simply not join in out of principle.
I seem to remember a few years back, there was a group of lads that tried the stuff I suggested at an EDS game. It may have been a splinter of the old Blue Alliance. The result, they were hounded by the "old guard" who remember back to those nostalgic days when the old Kippax was louder than a Glastonbury concern and was the envy of Europe - yawn.

Is a capo and drum definitely needed, as you quite rightly said no. What is needed is a more liberal, open outlook. Could a drum, a capo, flags even a bloody whistle (lol) help, yes certainly. But we will never know if we don't try.

If any of the 1894 Group lads could get in touch, that'd be great as I wouldn't mind getting involved in things more often when I can. It's hard living on the North side, as well as being in College trying to fully get involved, but i'd like to play my part in organising if possible as its something I'm quite keenly interested in after my ties to Germany.

I think in this sense if possible we should try and organise perhaps a section for these types of fans who would support such a move. This is what I thought the singing section would be; not knocking the lads but it just seems to be a slightly louder current set-up, or mark two.

In a specific look, at first the capo seems daunting. On a personal level, it was rather strange and intimidating to have someone almost shouting at you to sing. Not quite ordering you but over time it became quite a help. Others could start and suggest the songs and people would still go with the flow, but the capo would just keep things in check and organise things. The same with a drum, if used correctly it does a perfect job. The Leicester fans the other night were just banging it, for banging sake - that's pointless and just exacerbates where the stigma with using drums come from - see Wigan formerly in the Premier League.

I'd love to see the South Stand, as well as the Kippax Corner, rocking; with even flags, a drum, a capo whatever is needed. Just a more open approach is needed. We aren't going to be a strange replica of German ultras, or Italian fanatics or even Russian hooligans but we could form our own unique identity and take the fan scene of the country be storm. It's possible, definitely.
Im in 114 and think a card display against the rags is a quality idea. Also, the flags that come out in 115 at the start of the match, the big ones, why don't we keep them going all game instead of taking them away when the game kicks off? Think it looks brilliant having all the flags going, and might encourage the atmosphere aswell

Glad you like the big telescopic flags, they do look great, im the daft idiot that keeps waving them, love em :-)... What could be better than waving a huge flag with a city badge on it as players come out or on a last minute goal..

The club would like to see flags waved more often during the game, on goals and towards the end. The problem is for as many people that like them there are fans complaining about them and I have had some stick. I guess to keep everybody happy we tend to wave big flags as players arrive on the pitch and some times at the end if we score a late goal.. It is difficult to wave the bigger flags when we score, although most people agree this would look good. But because the flags are so tall when stood up we then get complaints from fans and security that they are in the way whilst the game is being played so we have to put the telescopic flags at the back of the block.

We have 12 telescopic flags, they take some waving as a gust of wind nearly picks you up and believe me that end of the stadium is a wind tunnel ! On match days we have 6 or 7 fans that arrange to meet 15 mins before KO and wave a flag while players come on the pitch. It would be great if one day we could get all 12 going, but we are short on people willing to wave them. So please anybody on here fancies having a go, let me know or come over to the back of 115 on the concourse on have a go at waving one.

We are constantly making new designs for telescopic flags, got one being made some time in January that is even bigger. Best team, best club, best stadium, best facilities, lets have a sea of blue and the best flags !
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Glad you like the big telescopic flags, they do look great, im the daft idiot that keeps waving them, love em :-)... What could be better than waving a huge flag with a city badge on it as players come out or on a last minute goal..

The club would like to see flags waved more often during the game, on goals and towards the end. The problem is for as many people that like them there are fans complaining about them and I have had some stick. I guess to keep everybody happy we tend to wave big flags as players arrive on the pitch and some times at the end if we score a late goal.. It is difficult to wave the bigger flags when we score, although most people agree this would look good. But because the flags are so tall when stood up we then get complaints from fans and security that they are in the way whilst the game is being played so we have to put the telescopic flags at the back of the block.

We have 12 telescopic flags, they take some waving as a gust of wind nearly picks you up and believe me that end of the stadium is a wind tunnel ! On match days we have 6 or 7 fans that arrange to meet 15 mins before KO and wave a flag while players come on the pitch. It would be great if one day we could get all 12 going, but we are short on people willing to wave them. So please anybody on here fancies having a go, let me know or come over to the back of 115 on the concourse on have a go at waving one.

We are constantly making new designs for telescopic flags, got one being made some time in January that is even bigger. Best team, best club, best stadium, best facilities, lets have a sea of blue and the best flags !

You boys are doing a cracking job, I'm on the end of row V off 114 (big daft idiot usually with a parka on) and me and the old fella always try and keep the songs going. But half the people around don't seem to want to join in which doesn't help. Feel free to chuck a flag at us one match, but as we're right on the edge of the tier above don't know if we'll have the room there haha
Im in 114 and think a card display against the rags is a quality idea. Also, the flags that come out in 115 at the start of the match, the big ones, why don't we keep them going all game instead of taking them away when the game kicks off? Think it looks brilliant having all the flags going, and might encourage the atmosphere aswell

Because it will block people's view. I wouldn't mind it before the game but if someone waves it during the game and I can't see I'll be shoving it up someone's arse
Flags are a good idea, but as with everything in moderation!

I too would like to see them kept out for the majority of the match. It looks good, and could encourage atmosphere. But, there cannot be too many. People moan about being stuck behind one, honestly it's not that bad if only behind one or two. If we had them spread out, it'd look great and should be ok for most people.

Recently, I went over to Germany to watch an FC Ingolstadt 04 game - I'm the only UK member so it was a fairly big deal. As I know a fair few of the 'ultras' we went and stood on the Sudtribune terrace right in the middle of the boisterous lot. Now this was where all the flags were, and I mean all of them! Too many can result in a fairly poor view, now mine wasn't bad and it didn't bother me but it could grate on some.


Here's an image of my view the other week.

In regards to that experience, it made me also appreciate greatly the use of capo's and drums.

Now, there's a real stigma around the above two - but if used correctly they are great. The drum helps keep the rhythm and quite simply drowns out opposing fans songs. The prime example was the Champions League match against 'Gladbach the other week. Evidently and quite obviously, their fans were dominating ours; which was to be expected. But when the 1894 lads and signing sections started something in response the away fans just started up with the drum again and our song was drowned out. I think some need to re-evaluate and be more open to atmosphere suggestions.

The same applies to a capo, in regards that said person keeps rhythm and gets the song going. I've got a great video from my time in Germany of a song getting going with a capo, unfortunately I can't upload it. For those who think this removes the spontaneity of English football, it really doesn't. Fans are still able to get songs going, the capo just allows some organisation and order to things.

Obviously standing, cheap tickets (22 euros for two standing for us) and beer in your seat helps; and the chances are we won't be seeing most of these anytime soon. But I think it's imperative that we have a more open outlook on singing and openly look to employ techniques from other countries. Who knows people might like them and they be a success - we'll never know if they aren't suggested and or tried.

drop us a line with your contact number alex - to :
Won't lie, if someone was waving a giant flag infront of me during the game i'd be pissed off and let them know about it, i sing every game, i'll always join in and I praise anybody trying to improve our lacklustre atmosphere but not at the expense of not being able to see the match i'm afraid.

I've been saying it for years, a drum would improve our atmosphere more than anything else ever could. Screw the guys that think it's small time and they're above using a drum, they're usually the ones that don't sing anyway. A drum signals the start of a song, allowing everyone to join in at the same time, it would unite either side of the away fans and make them sing in unison for a start. that would produce a louder noise and in turn encourage some of the less confident to join in. It also solves another big problem. That problem being every song being sung at break neck speed. A bit of tempo would be a godsend and again would help with longevity.

Shame we've got too many that have seen green street too many times, stood there in their stone island gear thinking they're too hard to sing.

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