Derby Day Display

you'd be lucky to get it in/out of the stadium without someone putting their fist through it.

You're probably right there.

Only need to look at the atmosphere at the clubs that do have a drum at home. Leicester for instance. I was there during the week, our support was pretty good but we got absolutely drowned out by Leicester and a relatively small section of fans near their drum that started every song.
Won't lie, if someone was waving a giant flag infront of me during the game i'd be pissed off and let them know about it, i sing every game, i'll always join in and I praise anybody trying to improve our lacklustre atmosphere but not at the expense of not being able to see the match i'm afraid.

I've been saying it for years, a drum would improve our atmosphere more than anything else ever could. Screw the guys that think it's small time and they're above using a drum, they're usually the ones that don't sing anyway. A drum signals the start of a song, allowing everyone to join in at the same time, it would unite either side of the away fans and make them sing in unison for a start. that would produce a louder noise and in turn encourage some of the less confident to join in. It also solves another big problem. That problem being every song being sung at break neck speed. A bit of tempo would be a godsend and again would help with longevity.

Shame we've got too many that have seen green street too many times, stood there in their stone island gear thinking they're too hard to sing.

Some good points there, we need to change the tempo and sing with each other not all starting different songs. Fans need to sing and ignore anybody around not singing, perhaps they enjoy the atmosphere but dont wish to sing.

Its often said "dont wave a flag in front of me i cant see". Surly there is a happy medium, ive been waving the big flags 2 years now, arms are killing :-).. But i wouldnt dream of spoiling a fans view, my own even. I think there is no better sight than city playing class football and a big flag waving with the club badge on it from time to time, but i dont think fans in england would appreciate the constant flag waving like in germany or italy. What we need is flags when players arrive on pitch, when we score, on half time and a minute or so before the end.

Would you see this as a pain and spoil the game for you, or would you think fair play lads and it ups the tempo behind the goals ? I ask this as we seem to be split and have half fans want more flags other half wanting flags stuk up backsides ( them bloody telescopic flags are 5metres long ! )
You boys are doing a cracking job, I'm on the end of row V off 114 (big daft idiot usually with a parka on) and me and the old fella always try and keep the songs going. But half the people around don't seem to want to join in which doesn't help. Feel free to chuck a flag at us one match, but as we're right on the edge of the tier above don't know if we'll have the room there haha

Give us a shout next home game mate, nice to know the hard graft is appreciated, this banner painting is a long job ! Currently working on a new one for Everton in PL.
Won't lie, if someone was waving a giant flag infront of me during the game i'd be pissed off and let them know about it, i sing every game, i'll always join in and I praise anybody trying to improve our lacklustre atmosphere but not at the expense of not being able to see the match i'm afraid.

I've been saying it for years, a drum would improve our atmosphere more than anything else ever could. Screw the guys that think it's small time and they're above using a drum, they're usually the ones that don't sing anyway. A drum signals the start of a song, allowing everyone to join in at the same time, it would unite either side of the away fans and make them sing in unison for a start. that would produce a louder noise and in turn encourage some of the less confident to join in. It also solves another big problem. That problem being every song being sung at break neck speed. A bit of tempo would be a godsend and again would help with longevity.

Shame we've got too many that have seen green street too many times, stood there in their stone island gear thinking they're too hard to sing.

Any drumming **** near me gets it over their head..

One week a week vuvuzelas..
Any drumming **** near me gets it over their head..

One week a week vuvuzelas..

I take it you haven't seen our drummer then yet, he's not some scrawny kid, he's nearly 7ft tall built bigger than a brick outhouse , his biceps are bigger than footballs.
I doubt you will put his drum over his head, more likely you will be one of the drum sticks!
I take it you haven't seen our drummer then yet, he's not some scrawny kid, he's nearly 7ft tall built bigger than a brick outhouse , his biceps are bigger than footballs.
I doubt you will put his drum over his head, more likely you will be one of the drum sticks!

I'm 6ft 3 myself mate..and don't give a fuck..let him play his drum near me..let's see who wins out ;-)
I'm 6ft 3 myself mate..and don't give a fuck..let him play his drum near me..let's see who wins out ;-)

Ha ha you've scared him off now.
Seriously I just don't think many are used to the sound of drums at an English football game, been to a few games on the continent and sometimes they have been as many as 20-30 drums going, it's never bothered me cos it there scene you like put up with it.
Like going to a nightclub and hearing the constant thump thump thump of dance music for a few hours , you get used to it cos it's a club. But half an hour at home you are saying turn this shit off .

Don't worry I don't think drums will come to the etihad
Spend some time in the U.S. in L.A. each year and watch the Galaxy regularly. Obviously they have the drum, and the guy with the tannoy announcing each song, and star it off with a partner. The first time I stood in the end with a football colleague from Brazil we thought it was going to be cringing. It was actually a great experience never stopped singing all game and went through the full repertoire of songs. Also new ones were introduced each home game. The drum did add beat to the songs and they just kept going and going. Think everyone was exhausted at the end of the game but it was a good atmosphere. Notice that the 'We love ya' or the 'We'll Follow' song now being sung here. Whilst the song content and tunes may not be the best they certainly do get behind their side for 90 minutes.
Overall I think the atmosphere is on the up. Every game it seems to get a bit better, I'm hoping that a considerable amount of people will want to move in, or near block 115 for next season after seeing it so far.

In terms of the posters complaining about 1894 asking for donations without revealing what the display is; a rule of thumb in this type of ultras/fanatical support (if that's what you'd like to call it) is 'don't spoil the surprise'. Keeping things under wraps adds to the wow factor and we're hoping that anyone who does donate won't be disappointed.

Clubs like Bayern have ultras that work off a budget of around £30,000 per year. 1894 probably goes off £2/3,000. They have thousands of members and people employed by the club to work for them full time. 1894 have is just a handful of people basically working a second job for nothing more than their love of City. There are always jobs to do, sacrifices to be made and lessons to be learnt. Just remember that everyone helping to run 'The 1894 Group' are investing a significant amount of time, effort and money. We've had a few people who've flirted with the idea of 'getting involved' only to drop out near enough immediately when they realise what goes into it. If anyone does want to get involved we're all ears!

It makes it all the more worthwhile when we hear positive feedback from our fellow fans and to see people actually donating money to help us out is unbelievable, so thanks!

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