Derby Post Match

if they had equalized at the end... i dont even know. thank god they didn't. i may have lost it.

3 points. a win over united. I'm happy. we could/should have scored more considering they were playing a back 4 made up of a winger, a central midfielder, and two children. but i'll take 1-0 ,6-1, or 100-99 as long as we have more than they do.

Felanni is a dick. Smalling is an idiot.

I'm more of a Kolarov guy but I thought Clichy had one of his best games, especially considering he didn't know he'd be in the side until 10 mins before kickoff. He and Milner worked very well together on the left side. Did well getting forward and marking DiMaria for 90 mins is no easy task. Beautiful assist.

Heart rate and breathing are finally back to normal. Good win. Next up Moscow, another match we need to win.
Come on, this was their cup final. They were throwing themselves in front of every ball. You can't expect us to win by a hatful. We didn't play well but we got the 3 points and that was badly needed.
BlueTaylor91 said:
10men. Only natural defender in Shaw and we only score 1

Fuck off back to the Chelsea, no utd, no City........oh wait is it Chelsea, no utd forum. Keyboard and armchair warrior.
At least I'm not a jinx. Thank fuck for that. Milner going off nearly cost us there, as well as that **** of a ref.
I wouldn't want to be a ref but that was borderline corruption - 3 nailed on pens! Watch Fellaini in slow mo - he spits at Sergio when he goes back to berate him after kicking his leg.

Anyway despite the last 20 mins it's a win against the scum - happy days!
We beat the rags, forgive me for not joining in the "we were poor" or "we wouldn't have won without the red card" bollocks.
I'm just gonna sit back, relax and savour beating those red cnuts once again.
bulldogblue said:
Three points and a clean sheet. Great!
But something is drastically wrong and needs putting right as soon as possible.

It's weird but I am not on the same kind of high after a derby win.

Probably gutted at your fourth derby loss on the trot! Any fan not delighted to beat the tags is certainly not a blue of old !
What a stressful 2nd half to watch. My family are well happy with the result but wish city were stronger at the back.

I'm the only blue at work so can grin when I'm back

It's going to be a happy evening here! :)

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