Derby Post Match

HenryNacho said:
blueinsa said:
Tim of the Oak said:

One of a number of rags we have here at the minute.

They are in pain the poor dears lol

Do you think that was a good performance? Do you think we are in good form? It goes without saying that I'm delighted we beat the rags but that doesn't mean that we should be happy with the performance. This is one of the worst rag teams in my lifetime and to struggle this mightily against them when we were previously battering them shows a regression in this team. I'm more concerned about our overall form. You can criticize the team and not be a rag.

Just on the way back but two things annoying me. First one is that cowardly shithouse of a ref. Just amazed he sent Smalling off. The second is how we surrendered our total superiority in the last 20 minutes and go into headless chicken mode again. You can put some of that down to the subs. Nasri or Fernandinho for the disappointing Jovetic would have been enough. But why take off Milner?
EalingBlue2 said:
FFS if you can't be happy after a record breaking fourth consecutive derby win and against a red who gave 3 dreadful decisions in their favour then give up football and give up City!

We beat the scum - we dominated them for most of the game it could easily have been 6-1 stop whining

Get innnnnnn!!!!!!!!!

I suspect many just want to see us back to the way we were playing previously before it's too late. And going by previous events, fans frustration and desire to see us get back to our old confident ways is understandable. We had this issue under Mancini's final year, it was all very hit and miss, we certainly winged it throughout the year and due to that, we ended up with a sacked manager and we were potentially looking at a set back. Do you want to see Pellegrini go out the door? Because we can only afford a hand full of those performances that we had today. It's great that we've won and that it's 3 points, especially over that lot, but surely we all hope for some progress or sign of us getting out of this phase we're stuck in? Because if we don't and by the end of the season we end up with more or less nothing to show for the year like we did with Mancini, it'll be the board pulling the plug on Pellegrini, not the fans.
Listen to LVG.
The delusional fool still thinks all is well.
Long may it continue.
The more matches they lose by the odd goal the more they will convince themselves that their pile of shite team is up for it.
Re: Milner Taken Off!!

He was having a poor game with the ball, very sloppy in the final third, clearly Pellers wanted to push on and try and kill the game with a second goal. I think bringing Dzeko on was the bigger problem, as he did absolutely nothing and then forced us to bring Aguero off for Fern when we wanted to become more solid.
HenryNacho said:
blueinsa said:
Tim of the Oak said:

One of a number of rags we have here at the minute.

They are in pain the poor dears lol

Do you think that was a good performance? Do you think we are in good form? It goes without saying that I'm delighted we beat the rags but that doesn't mean that we should be happy with the performance. This is one of the worst rag teams in my lifetime and to struggle this mightily against them when we were previously battering them shows a regression in this team. I'm more concerned about our overall form. You can criticize the team and not be a rag.

If your first reaction to beating the Rags is to whine we didn't do it well enough and complain then you are either a rag or a Fifa playing teenage fan from outside Manchester who has followed us for a year or two. We beat the rags I couldn't give a flying fuck how we did it the 80's and 90's taught me to appreciate every little bit about beating them!
HenryNacho said:
blueinsa said:
Tim of the Oak said:

One of a number of rags we have here at the minute.

They are in pain the poor dears lol

Do you think that was a good performance? Do you think we are in good form? It goes without saying that I'm delighted we beat the rags but that doesn't mean that we should be happy with the performance. This is one of the worst rag teams in my lifetime and to struggle this mightily against them when we were previously battering them shows a regression in this team. I'm more concerned about our overall form. You can criticize the team and not be a rag.

Or you could be honest and say, we played well in a derby which historically means all form and favourites go out of the window. So we won the game, could and should have had 3 penalties which were stonewall and unusually none were given, created a host of chances which we didn't take and is a concern. Our keeper made one excellent save that's all game so not bad against a side with no shortage of forward talent. So all in all a great win not as comfortable as it should have been but a fcuking great win against the scum. Yippeeeeeeeeeeee

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