
I have T2, which was first diagnosed over 5 years ago when I was overweight and not really exercising, so I disciplined myself to eat better and take more exercise. Within 6 months I'd lost nearly 2 stone and my blood sugar level was back in the normal range.

After 3 years I was formally in remission, which I was thrilled about but I got complacent and started eating rubbish, didn't exercise and I'm well in the diabetic range again, even though my weight is as low as it's been for many years. In fact my HB1AC level is far higher than it was when I was first diagnosed in 2019.

I'm now on Metformin but I still have the belief I can control my diabetes by keeping my weight down and exercising. However the GP explained that it might just be my body becoming more resistant to insulin , or failing to produce enough, as I get older

The only way to stay on top of what you're eating is to track it, using an app. You have to be ruthless in tracking everything, as it's too easy to 'forget' you've just had a bar of chocolate or a biscuit.
You need to lose fat from your liver and increase your insulin sensitivity.
My score was getting a touch high and increasing yearly. Score was 39 2 years ago, 42 a year ago and 44 this year so clearly not good. Doctor asked me to go on a 12 week programme called Second Nature which offers the support weekly and gives you tips.
Got the score back down to 38 so pleased with that, lost 20 lbs and no longer have the sugar habit. I think full fat coke and chocolate was my downfall and a lack of activity. I found the support useful.
I have T2, which was first diagnosed over 5 years ago when I was overweight and not really exercising, so I disciplined myself to eat better and take more exercise. Within 6 months I'd lost nearly 2 stone and my blood sugar level was back in the normal range.

After 3 years I was formally in remission, which I was thrilled about but I got complacent and started eating rubbish, didn't exercise and I'm well in the diabetic range again, even though my weight is as low as it's been for many years. In fact my HB1AC level is far higher than it was when I was first diagnosed in 2019.

I'm now on Metformin but I still have the belief I can control my diabetes by keeping my weight down and exercising. However the GP explained that it might just be my body becoming more resistant to insulin , or failing to produce enough, as I get older

The only way to stay on top of what you're eating is to track it, using an app. You have to be ruthless in tracking everything, as it's too easy to 'forget' you've just had a bar of chocolate or a biscuit.
I hate having to track what I'm doing. I've recently got this diary thing from the Long COVID clinic...i have to fill it out every HOUR. It's depressing to see my life written down in boxes! haha.
The last diabetes test said it was slightly high but nowt to worry about. The doc advised to quit eating bread.

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