Did we go to the Moon? New footage shows perhaps otherwise.

My personnal opinion is that we never went to the moon, nor have we been since. I'm not saying we haven't been in space just never landed on another planet. I believe it was a race against time with mother Russia at the height of the cold that the yanks couldn't afford to loose so a careful,we'll executed,expensive plot was concocted to stage a supposed " moon landing". Cost was not an option, neither was telling your work force " if you tell anyone ,you'll disappear in the navada desert along with your family". It was a war the yanks were prepared to do anything to win,ask the Kennedy brothers. As for going back there,there's to many educated,paranoid and big telescopes nowadays that could uncover to many flaws and cracks!. I don't think so.
I used to believe that it was all faked - I'm quite easily taken in by conspiracy theories and tend to believe most of them.
However, the thing which has swayed me to thinking it wasn't fake is that USSR never called it as a fake. Surely they would have been able to work out it was fake more than some geek putting a video on youtube and they never said it was fake - which they would have obviously loved to have done.
SnoochieBoochie said:
My personal opinion is that we never went to the moon, nor have we been since. I'm not saying we haven't been in space just never landed on another planet. I believe it was a race against time with mother Russia at the height of the cold that the yanks couldn't afford to loose so a careful,we'll executed,expensive plot was concocted to stage a supposed " moon landing". Cost was not an option, neither was telling your work force " if you tell anyone ,you'll disappear in the navada desert along with your family". It was a war the yanks were prepared to do anything to win,ask the Kennedy brothers. As for going back there,there's to many educated,paranoid and big telescopes nowadays that could uncover to many flaws and cracks!. I don't think so.

kippaxwarrior said:
woz69 said:
If we did go to the moon,Why have we not been since?

Cost mainly. The US government spent Around $25B on the Apollo programme in the 60's and 70's which would be around $100B today which the government simply cannot afford.
By the time of the last mission nasa had pretty much collected all the data they needed about the moon

They have spent more than that on wars since the so called landing so there hardly skint,Well what's stopping Russia,China etc from landing on the moon I will tell you why because its not possible!
kippaxwarrior said:
woz69 said:
If we did go to the moon,Why have we not been since?

Cost mainly. The US government spent Around $25B on the Apollo programme in the 60's and 70's which would be around $100B today which the government simply cannot afford.
By the time of the last mission nasa had pretty much collected all the data they needed about the moon
They could afford it, they spend 650bn on "defence" each year.
Flag, footprints & moon buggy can all be seen via telescopes can't they? Plus the retroreflectors and China and USSR would have invented the term "lol" if they had found out it was faked.

I'm more interested in the claims that there are certain structures on the moon, Mars and other objects in the solar system. I delve into this subject from time to time and find it really interesting but always find myself 60/40 against the idea anyway!

I'd love it to be true though. Fucking love it.
Back in my conspiracy theory days, I used to believe that our government was routinely intercepting and hacking into everyone's phone calls, letters and emails; that politicians, the police and the press all worked together to subvert the cover each others' backs and subvert the news; that there were lots of high profile people in paedophile rings; that merchant bankers rigged the financial markets for their own ends and that the government was holding secret talks with the IRA.

Glad I don't buy conspiracy theories any more.
SWP's back said:
kippaxwarrior said:
woz69 said:
If we did go to the moon,Why have we not been since?

Cost mainly. The US government spent Around $25B on the Apollo programme in the 60's and 70's which would be around $100B today which the government simply cannot afford.
By the time of the last mission nasa had pretty much collected all the data they needed about the moon
They could afford it, they spend 650bn on "defence" each year.

Well afford would probably be the wrong word but I think they would find it hard to justify spending that amount of money to send a man on the moon to the US public when it could be spent on education, health care ect.
They already spend about $15B a year on the ISS so I thought think its highly unlikely that we would see them or any country sending someone to the moon or Mars in our lifetime

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