Did we go to the Moon? New footage shows perhaps otherwise.

Man never landed on the moon FACT. It is physically impossible to leave the earth due to the earth being flat. Also the moon goes in every morning so how would you find it unless you were very quick and went at night and if it was night it would be to dark to see where you are going. The Americans invented the whole thing just like they invented the computer, that is bunkum as well.
Skashion said:
pominoz said:
Not going to watch the doco now, but did it tackle the laser retroreflector that is on the moon?

The Soviets put retroreflectors on the Moon as well. Have they landed men on the Moon?

-- Tue Jul 02, 2013 5:23 pm --

TCIB said:
One simple way to show the conspiracy people they are wrong is the laser reflectors.
Then the Soviets also landed men on the Moon...

One of the russian ones never worked from the get go and it took nasa to utilize the second one in any fashion.
You could argue this was the result of needing feet on the ground to install them properly.
You do realize there are reflectors placed on the moon that using lasers are used to measure distance?
mcmanus said:
I don't believe it at all.

I've seen a documentary about another US space mission that nearly went tits up called Capricorn One. Open your eyes lads it's bollocks.
Do you always talk like your the only person in the world who is always right and everyone else is just plain stupid, in that mark lawrenson kind of manner?
117 M34 said:
I used to believe that it was all faked - I'm quite easily taken in by conspiracy theories and tend to believe most of them.
However, the thing which has swayed me to thinking it wasn't fake is that USSR never called it as a fake. Surely they would have been able to work out it was fake more than some geek putting a video on youtube and they never said it was fake - which they would have obviously loved to have done.
Well said that man. The Russians and the Chinese too for that matter. If it was fake don't you think they would have been all over it. Do you think for one minute they didn't track every single minute of the Apollo flights and every single transmission. Sir Patrick Moore and James Burke said we went and that is good enough for me. I haven't seen one compelling argument that hasn't been shot down to prove otherwise.
Uncle Wally One Ball said:
mcmanus said:
I don't believe it at all.

I've seen a documentary about another US space mission that nearly went tits up called Capricorn One. Open your eyes lads it's bollocks.
Do you always talk like your the only person in the world who is always right and everyone else is just plain stupid, in that mark lawrenson kind of manner?

errr, ummm, errr, i errr ????
TCIB said:
One of the russian ones never worked from the get go and it took nasa to utilize the second one in any fashion.
You could argue this was the result of needing feet on the ground to install them properly.
Not true at all. Both worked. Lunokhod 2 always worked and has been in constant use since it was landed. Lunokhod 1 worked until they lost it (with it being a moving vehicle) about nine months after landing. When they found it again in 2010 they discovered it returned the strongest signal of all five. It's the only one that can be used in lunar daytime. I don't know where you've got this nonsense that they didn't work. They worked and worked bloody well.<br /><br />-- Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:06 pm --<br /><br />
AIQ88 said:
You do realize there are reflectors placed on the moon that using lasers are used to measure distance?
You do realise the Soviets also achieved this. Therefore the Soviets walked on the Moon.
From 19:55
In fact in the more than thirty years since the event, aside from NASA's initial press conference and the occasional brief anniversary remarks where few questions were permitted, he [Neil Armstrong] has never given one on-camera interview to anyone. Ever.
In 1970, Sir Patrick Moore interviewed Apollo 11 mission commander Neil Armstrong. Moore asked Armstrong about what he saw on the Moon and the possibility of future Moon bases.

Faking interviews to cover their tracks!
woz69 said:
kippaxwarrior said:
woz69 said:
If we did go to the moon,Why have we not been since?

Cost mainly. The US government spent Around $25B on the Apollo programme in the 60's and 70's which would be around $100B today which the government simply cannot afford.
By the time of the last mission nasa had pretty much collected all the data they needed about the moon

They have spent more than that on wars since the so called landing so there hardly skint,Well what's stopping Russia,China etc from landing on the moon I will tell you why because its not possible!
Oh christ

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