did you choose or was it bred into you?

Well I wasn't forced into it by my family. Mum's side are from Wigan and into the rugby. Dad's side are southerners and my dad supports Aylesbury United. So I had a choice, City or Rag.

But in many ways I don't think it was a choice, I think I was born to support City. Looking back it's as if I was destined to be blue. I can't really explain it but I don't think my personality would have suited the rags. Perhaps it has been City which has shaped me, who knows.

I think City chose me.
i have massive extended family (55 first cousins) most are reds although one lot of cousins from Levvy, 8 of em !!!! (6 brothers 2 sisters) 4 are blues and 4 are M*****s, I tell you derby day at thier house was mental , it was like a scene from shamless :-@ , i first started going in 1971 as a 7 yr old one of my aunties lived on lloyd st. south and she loved city although all of her kids ( 5 of em) and my uncle were all reds. I only had one grandparent alive when i was growing up and although he wasnt too much into football he hated utd with a passion. He used to take me into a pub in rochdale were a few m******* met before games , he didnt like the pub he just wanted to go in and wind em up ;-)
Dad was a rag me & are kid ctid best about bein a city fan u don't know whot the f--k will happen next . Been like that for 52yrs i been watch them thngs can only get better said that in the 50s 60s---80s 90s &today but they will !!!!! best goal seen law man puttin scum down
went to claremont road school and lived in moss side as a kid , first match at three years of age and didnt have a choice after that.Many years later and now in Cheshire its still the same apart from missing the old place of course
I was a sort of rag you could say when I was younger. Id just moved house and had no interest in football. Also every one of my new mates were rags so I just went along with the supporting the scum. Not avidly, but, you know... None of my family like football but for my three uncles. They had a spare ticket for game against Rotherham so they took me. I think we won 2 or 3-1. Ive still got the scarf they bought me. Since then ive been a blue and im just so happy to be a City fan. im 17 now and this is my 5th season as a seasoncard holder.

*Awaits the ex-rag comments*
chose, could'nt decide just who to follow so i just thought i'd pick city

like fuck who the hell CHOOSES 40odd years of absolute chaos:) love it.
My grandad brought me up and he was a rag. We moved to Kippax St in 1979, and he took me to the front gates.of Maine Road when i was a nipper,and told me . Your going to grow up round here lad this is your team for ever more. He was a top class manc. Niceone grandad R.I.P.

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