Discuss Pellegrini (Pt 2)

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St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Said my piece on gmr..not repeating it on here.
What a complete and utter mess the club have made.fuck all to do with previous regime but pellegtini imo
Is well out of his depth.
Hart..drop him asap.
Dzeko..sell him asap.

Dont mind losing but the lack of desire tonight is frightening it reaaly is..not to worry hey cos the players will get there cuddles..players step over the line but the manager picks the team..tactics and dress it up all you like ..he got it wrong.

Agree with you. At least the players will get a cuddle. Holistic.
BillyShears said:
robbieh said:
jimharri said:
I'd have chosen Mourinho over MP any day of the week. Yes; he's a ****.

A **** who knows how to win trophies, including two CL titles with two different clubs.

Not suggesting they didn't want JM but they have both been incredibly effusive about Pellegrini, praising his sophisticated tactics, no nonsence press interviews and so on. After this it would be normal to have doubts.

I'm a long long long way from thinking the club have made a mistake in appointing Pellegrini. Tonight we saw how far off the best team in Europe we are. Sobering ? Definitely. But nothing else.

His set up was all wrong from the out set and took way too long to make the changes necessary to at least attempt to stop the bleeding.

As most have said our midfield was overrun but again Hart and the back four didn't help tonight.

Bayern were sharp but we were shocking.

As I have said from the outset we will know by Christmas at the latest whether he can take us forward or not.

That's about all the time you get now as the bar has been set with the sacking of RM.

In fact his tenure beyond this season may hinge on the results against CSKA.

Unless things go really belly up in the premiership I suspect he will be given the window to see what needs fine tuning in this squad.

The form of Hart and our defensive frailties are a real concern to me and need fixing immediately before we start dropping points at home.

Anything but a win on Saturday and the pressure will really ramp up on MP BS that is a given.
Shaelumstash said:
After 25 minutes I said to my mate and the bloke next to me that we had to bring an extra midfielder on or we'd get battered. It took Pellegrini 75 minutes and we were 3-0 down and dead and buried.

The most worrying thing for me is that Guardiola said in his pre-match interview that he "admires" that all of Pellegrini's teams play in exactly the same shape for the last 10 years. The guy seems incapable of change, and it hands a huge advantage to our opposition in the lead up to games.

Of course he needs time, but the more I see from him and the more I learn about him, the more I think he is completely out of his depth. As another has said, he's a South American Kevin Keegan. Nice guy but astonishingly naive.

That should concern all city fans that in the last 10 years Pelegrini plays the exact same way no wonder Bayern came out the blocks like that they have been training for it since the draw was made...
Ducado said:
The result tonight was totally his doing, the team looked clueless from the start like they did not have a clue what was going on, it was a shambles from the kick off, we have some excellent players in that team

He has got a few games to turn it around, and they are all difficult games he better get his finger out and start working for his money
I detect the first little doubts are entering your head?
Ive made my mind up and im sticking to it pal...call me knee jerk but that was abysmal tactically from manager and tge desire was awful from the players
MCC said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Said my piece on gmr..not repeating it on here.
What a complete and utter mess the club have made.fuck all to do with previous regime but pellegtini imo
Is well out of his depth.
Hart..drop him asap.
Dzeko..sell him asap.

Dont mind losing but the lack of desire tonight is frightening it reaaly is..not to worry hey cos the players will get there cuddles..players step over the line but the manager picks the team..tactics and dress it up all you like ..he got it wrong.

Agree with you. At least the players will get a cuddle. Holistic.

Can you tell me the definition of holistic?

Without looking at a dictionary.
Robbo. said:
Caveman said:
Completely unacceptable from Pellegrini.

I'm not saying that had we played the right formation and personnel tonight that we would have won that game, but at least it may have given us a chance. However we lost that game when the team sheet was handed in before the match, or even for the past few days if he's been preparing them to play this formation in training. Dreadful dreadful coaching. I don't know whether to be angry with him or feel sorry for him. I certainly felt sorry for the lads on the pitch because what could they do?

With the ball Bayern played a 3-7 / 3-2-5 formation; the two centre-halves split and Lahm sat between them, the two full back pushed forward and Schweinsteiger Müller Kroos Robben and Ribery interchanged around the midfield - they didn't play with a striker:

And we played 442, giving them between 2 and 4 free men with all the time and space in the world. You could have got a kid from the local primary school to work out that was wrong. Yet it took him until the 70th minute to change it.



Yes, they are the best team in the world; yes, they are on another plant to us...but that makes it worse! The space they had for 70minutes was criminal!

I really want to give Pellegrini some time and see him trough his time with us without calling for his head - and I won't - but I'm sure as fuck don't want to see that level of tactical ineptness from him again!

Funny your name suits your post
My name suits Pellegrini's formation.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
BillyShears said:
Ducado said:
The thing is I am willing to give him a little bit more slack, but if he continues to get it wrong, he will have to go

Go where ? :)

Jokes aside that was scary. Cannot for the life of me understand why he didn't change it at half time.

Tonight reminded me of Mourinho's first few Classico's. Didn't get close to them all night.

Still think were gonna win the league eh...
Not a chance
Agreed. We've had three of the (on paper) easiest away trips to start the season (couldn't really have asked for a more gentle opening set of fixtures). How many blinding performances have we had so far in the PL? I'll be generous and count Newcastle, although our ladies' team could have given them a run for their money, so bad were the toons on the night. At Cardiff we were piss poor, ditto Stoke. At Villa we played okay, nothing more. But schoolboy defending did for us. We were lucky to beat Hull at home, which I was ''fortunate'' enough (?) to be over for. That only leaves the derby, where we were excellent. Is it only 10 days ago? It seems like a lifetime away.
Felt like shit when Robben said,"I didn't expect such an easy game against City."

The pit of my stomach dropped to hear us so casually dismissed knowing our tactics played right into their hands...handing them the midfield from minute 0.

Doesn't helped that our keeper gifted them 3 goals either...and for me that absolves Pellegrini just a little bit. Bayern hardly had clear cut chances but Hart let us down.
jimharri said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
BillyShears said:
Go where ? :)

Jokes aside that was scary. Cannot for the life of me understand why he didn't change it at half time.

Tonight reminded me of Mourinho's first few Classico's. Didn't get close to them all night.

Still think were gonna win the league eh...
Not a chance
Agreed. We've had three of the (on paper) easiest away trips to start the season (couldn't really have asked for a more gentle opening set of fixtures). How many blinding performances have we had so far in the PL? I'll be generous and count Newcastle, although our ladies' team could have given them a run for their money, so bad were the toons on the night. At Cardiff we were piss poor, ditto Stoke. At Villa we played okay, nothing more. But schoolboy defending did for us. We were lucky to beat Hull at home, which I was ''fortunate'' enough (?) to be over for. That only leaves the derby, where we were excellent. Is it only 10 days ago? It seems like a lifetime away.

Bayern are awesome..no issue with that..but four four two..pmsl.
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