Discuss Pellegrini (Pt 2)

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SalfordCityBlue said:
Just listened to his answer to Geoff Shreeves pointed 'why didn't you change the tactics' question.

Utter waffle.

The South Stand isn't exactly a haven for intellectuals or football geniuses, but the main topic of conversation inside the first twenty minute was that we needed another man in midfield because we were obviously set up wrong. But the change didn't come.

Mind letting me know what he said? I can't bring myself to watch it because I would like to not be too angry to sleep tonight. If not, I understand.
Robbo. said:
Fucking joke!!

I'm sick to death of this thread, lock the fucking thing.

We have just been beaten by a team who thrashed Barcelona 7-0 on aggregate last season, they are the fucking champions of Europe, they made us look shit yeah but that was more about our tactics. Yeah it was down to the manager but ffs it's going to take time. I'm fully behind Pellegrini and he needs time to adapt his team, the best make mistakes, he will learn.

Grow the fuck up!!!
How dare you coming in here making sense. This is blue moon we will not accept that tone here!!

Side note Pelli is just keeping the seat warm for pep anyway
Said my piece on gmr..not repeating it on here.
What a complete and utter mess the club have made.fuck all to do with previous regime but pellegtini imo
Is well out of his depth.
Hart..drop him asap.
Dzeko..sell him asap.

Dont mind losing but the lack of desire tonight is frightening it reaaly is..not to worry hey cos the players will get there cuddles..players step over the line but the manager picks the team..tactics and dress it up all you like ..he got it wrong.
Jumanji said:
Mancini put on De Jong for Dzeko when our midfield 2 was overrun in Munich and it steadied the ship. Took Mancini 55 minutes, Pellegrini 15 more.
To be honest, I don't see why it should even take that long. It's no secret that Bayern play with a single striker. We should've set up with 5 in the middle from the start.
SalfordCityBlue said:
Just listened to his answer to Geoff Shreeves pointed 'why didn't you change the tactics' question.

Utter waffle.

The South Stand isn't exactly a haven for intellectuals or football geniuses, but the main topic of conversation inside the first twenty minute was that we needed another man in midfield because we were obviously set up wrong. But the change didn't come.


Yep. It's little things like saying "we played bad" when he doesn't seem to acknowledge that it's down to his selection and formation that we've performed so badly.
BillyShears said:
robbieh said:
jimharri said:
I'd have chosen Mourinho over MP any day of the week. Yes; he's a ****.

A **** who knows how to win trophies, including two CL titles with two different clubs.

Not suggesting they didn't want JM but they have both been incredibly effusive about Pellegrini, praising his sophisticated tactics, no nonsence press interviews and so on. After this it would be normal to have doubts.

I'm a long long long way from thinking the club have made a mistake in appointing Pellegrini. Tonight we saw how far off the best team in Europe we are. Sobering ? Definitely. But nothing else.

Fucking brilliant at press conferences though, eh Billy?
Stop making excuses. In the first half we looked like a non league team having their day out at Arsenal in the cup.

If that first half wasn't a reason to make some changes I don't know what was.

Tactically owned.
BillyShears said:
Ducado said:
The thing is I am willing to give him a little bit more slack, but if he continues to get it wrong, he will have to go

Go where ? :)

Jokes aside that was scary. Cannot for the life of me understand why he didn't change it at half time.

Tonight reminded me of Mourinho's first few Classico's. Didn't get close to them all night.

Still think were gonna win the league eh...
Not a chance
We were well beaten by the best team in Europe and have just seen first hand how the pressing game should be played. At times Bayern had 7 in midfield when Muller dropped in and the two full backs pushed up, Lahm just swept everything up and even then there were still two centre-backs behind him to cope with our two strikers. Player for player we aren't that far behind, and hopefully Pellegrini can still learn lessons in how the best teams around can play. At least there were signs that our players were trying to press the opposition too, but we didn't have enough players in midfield, which was obvious to all, even Souness said that if you play two strikers against that sort of opposition then one of them has to drop deeper to help out midfield when the ball is with the opposition.

Pellegrini has to learn from this and change things around for Saturday.
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