Discuss Pellegrini (Pt 4)

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Re: Discuss Pellegrini (Pt 3)

flb said:
uwe rosler 28 said:
flb said:
I too am worried fella, our English lads will either be sold or put in transfer requests to gain 1st team football

Hes playing Garcia at the expense of Rodwell and MIlner.

And what the fuck does Navas bring to the party that Milner did very well last season doing in that position

Navas is a one trick pony with no left foot, and he coudlnt tackle a fucking cooked breakfast.

You got to be jokeing about navas look how long it took silva to settle at us he gives blistering pace and someone who is direct he does, nt get in the spain squad thro being shit and regards the english players except hart average players that are not good enough to get in our first 11.

Navas is one directional, you wont see him covering the fullbacks arse in tight games, Milner is a better all round player without question.

How can u compare Milner with Navas? 2 completely different players ffs. Milner is a shit winger he's got no pace yes he's a grafter but he's a CM nothing else. Navas is a Spanish international he can't be that bad give him a chance ffs.
Re: Discuss Pellegrini (Pt 3)

BlueAnorak said:
Goodness knows what this one is then.
2013-14 Pld11 W6 D1 L4 F28 A12 Home(W5 D0 L0 F20 A2) Away (W1 D1 L4 F8 A10) GD+16 Pts 19
compared with:
2012-13 Pld11 W7 D4 L0 F20 A10 Home(W5 D1 L0 F13 A5) Away(W2 D3 L0 F7 A5) GD+10 Pts 25

In short:
- Double the number of goals conceded both home and away -playing a defensive system that is guaranteed to fail.
Just to be pedantic, our home goals conceded has actually more than halved (your figures - I haven't checked them).
Re: Discuss Pellegrini (Pt 3)

Marvin said:
supercity88 said:
I must say I think a lot of players in and around our squad have had an easy ride for far too long. They might be happy winning the FA Cup then the League and then rest on their laurels and put no effort in but we need more. Players have been poor since the league winning campaign. Through injury or otherwise most have failed to reach the peaks of the 2011/12 season, and most have been inconsistent. You have to look at our key players and say who will replace them if they are injured? Silva you would say Nasri/Jovetic, Aguero you have Negredo/Dzeko, Yaya? Kompany? We laugh at Cleverly, Jones, Smalling, Welbeck but the fact is they have won the league too. So how is this true? Getting a system perfected is one part, having the correct mentality another, the final piece is having willing and able players to perform within parts one and two. We don't. Aside from Richards and Milner there are very few players who when called upon will put their heart and soul into a performance and perform. I would say Lescott, Kolorov, Rodwell, Garcia are no worse than the Rag players I listed, but put them on a pitch away at Sunderland and I know who would be more likely to perform and get a result.
Yet Lescott and Kolarov have won trophies with us. I think you maybe a bit unfair on them

Mentality is very important and this is what will be tested in the coming weeks. I think by the end of December we will be back

We won't be challenging for the league then, with the squad we have we should at least challenge for it.
Re: Clueless manager

I don't think the manager should get slated on here. I think he's picking the team well enough each match but some prior keep letting him down.

Firstly, I for one have my doubts about Yaya. It's generally accepted that he picks his matches and ambles through others as if he's not motivated.

Secondly, any match we've played badly in this year (except against Bayern) were often described as us not putting in the effort, or turning up expecting to win.

Thirdly, Yaya is the heartbeat of our team. Almost everything goes through him. So if he decides to slow down the tempo of the game, the tempo slows down.

So what I've cone to realise is, a big problem for us away from home against midtable sides is Yaya.

Of course it's not all down to him. Other factors like the same story for other players, injuries, luck, refereeing decisions etc do come into it, but in my opinion, a big part is due to Yaya.

And I blame Pellegrini for either not motivating the whole squad in the right way, or picking those who don't care enough.
Re: Clueless manager

porkchopsaplenty said:
Can I ask a question, why the fuck are people complaining about Pellegrini for losing games like this when we've had the same underlying problem for nearly 5 years now.

We just can't break teams down that park the bus. We couldn't 4 years ago, we can't now. The Sunderland away fixture has been a fucking carbon copy three years running.

Our style of play and wastefulness is what is hurting us. The players have to take responsibility. Too much blame is thrown at the management. Both Mancini and Pellegrini have fielded teams more than capable of beating Sunderland away yet the players just haven't performed. It's their fault, nobody elses. A manager can prepare, pick a team, shape, tactics (we dominated them and never looked under that much pressure) but it's the players that can't beat the first man at corners, that waste clear chances, that choose the wrong pass or overhit it.

Fans are quick to jump on the manager and it's ridiculous, he can only do so much. Now he's being criticised for not playing Zabba. A fortnight ago people we're looking forward to Richards being back. He plays shit and suddenly its Pellegrini's fault for not playing Zabba. If Richards had scored the winner would he have been lamented for playing him over Zabba then? Of course he wouldn't.

I'm not defending Pellegrini, he didn't choose the team I would have but it doesn't matter a toss, he chose a team capable of beating Sunderland. The players didn't perform. Same at Cardiff & Villa.

The players are grown men that shouldn't need someone on the bench dictating their every move and making decisions for them, they are given a general plan and then have to perform. They haven't performed and that is it.

This guy is completely right.

Mancini & Pellegrini are not faultless & make mistakes but for me at least 80% of the blame for last season & this lie with the players. Like he says the team he selected should not be getting beat by Sunderland.
So tired of hearing lazy clowns like Dzeko talking the talk but not walking the walk. For me Kolarov, Dzeko & Garcia are simply not good enough ability wise or attitude wise (amongst others as well in terms of attitude)

I was watching Everton play a few weeks ago V Chelsea (& i have said it b4 at times last season about City) & i said to my dad "watch how EVERY player hussles & harries Chelseas players, if City had their attitude we would win the league nearly every year, City have the ability BUT not the Heart for a fight"
Not being arrogant but this has been shown on numerous occasions this season.
It is frustrating because we all know how city can play- we see this home games every other week. For me they do not play the same away because too many players lack the right attitude & commitment.
IF Pellegrini is still here in Jan & June i think we will/should have a clear out of at least 5 players.
SO here is a message to ur beloved team> shut up & do your talking on the pitch!
What about Micah,Lescott and Hart ?
Re: Clueless manager

stiofanob said:
I don't think the manager should get slated on here. I think he's picking the team well enough each match but some prior keep letting him down.

Firstly, I for one have my doubts about Yaya. It's generally accepted that he picks his matches and ambles through others as if he's not motivated.

Secondly, any match we've played badly in this year (except against Bayern) were often described as us not putting in the effort, or turning up expecting to win.

Thirdly, Yaya is the heartbeat of our team. Almost everything goes through him. So if he decides to slow down the tempo of the game, the tempo slows down.

So what I've cone to realise is, a big problem for us away from home against midtable sides is Yaya.

Of course it's not all down to him. Other factors like the same story for other players, injuries, luck, refereeing decisions etc do come into it, but in my opinion, a big part is due to Yaya.

And I blame Pellegrini for either not motivating the whole squad in the right way, or picking those who don't care enough.

Yaya should be benched more. I thought we brought in a Fernandinho to give Yaya a break and use our other midfielders, frankly we've probably run him into the ground. Plus it looked like we were playing without a captain against Sunderland.
Re: Clueless manager

MillionDollarDream said:
stiofanob said:
I don't think the manager should get slated on here. I think he's picking the team well enough each match but some prior keep letting him down.

Firstly, I for one have my doubts about Yaya. It's generally accepted that he picks his matches and ambles through others as if he's not motivated.

Secondly, any match we've played badly in this year (except against Bayern) were often described as us not putting in the effort, or turning up expecting to win.

Thirdly, Yaya is the heartbeat of our team. Almost everything goes through him. So if he decides to slow down the tempo of the game, the tempo slows down.

So what I've cone to realise is, a big problem for us away from home against midtable sides is Yaya.

Of course it's not all down to him. Other factors like the same story for other players, injuries, luck, refereeing decisions etc do come into it, but in my opinion, a big part is due to Yaya.

And I blame Pellegrini for either not motivating the whole squad in the right way, or picking those who don't care enough.

Yaya should be benched more. I thought we brought in a Fernandinho to give Yaya a break and use our other midfielders, frankly we've probably run him into the ground. Plus it looked like we were playing without a captain against Sunderland.
Still wouldn't suprise me if he had a clause in his contract. Even when he looks absolutely fucked he doesn't get subbed or rested.
Re: Discuss Pellegrini (Pt 3)

cleavers said:
BlueAnorak said:
Goodness knows what this one is then.
2013-14 Pld11 W6 D1 L4 F28 A12 Home(W5 D0 L0 F20 A2) Away (W1 D1 L4 F8 A10) GD+16 Pts 19
compared with:
2012-13 Pld11 W7 D4 L0 F20 A10 Home(W5 D1 L0 F13 A5) Away(W2 D3 L0 F7 A5) GD+10 Pts 25

In short:
- Double the number of goals conceded both home and away -playing a defensive system that is guaranteed to fail.
Just to be pedantic, our home goals conceded has actually more than halved (your figures - I haven't checked them).

yeah I misread it - still Home form is irrelevant (except for viewing pleasure which is pretty damn good). Its the away form that counts to win titles. and the way Pellegrini is setting us up away from home is guaranteed to fail.

The way to go is don't give the opposition a sniff quieten the crowd and pick them off - A tactic that ha been used by all Prem winning teams. We are just far too open and then to compound this by attacking with such a slow build up is just garbage and guaranteed to fail.
Re: Clueless manager

football-fan said:
kenzie115 said:
Colins Bellend said:
Really ??

- Playing Garcia in front of Rodwell constantly ( absolutly there can not be NO EXCUSE on that )
- Not giving a 32 mil EURO striker 1 in 3 games at least against weeker teams, like Norwich which he knows City will win anyway ( a striker which is wanted by CL finalists Dortmund ) and forcing him for a move out
- not giving Jovetic who was Biggest star in Italy proper games. He WAS NOT injured all the time. He had few small injuries.
- On a press conference he was asked if anybody else is injured except Kompany. He said No No. When reporter had asked him what about Jovetic. He said oh Dzovetik too yes yes ( and smiled ) , Is that normal. He thinks one of Italys biggest star as just carling cup games player obvious.
- he is to predictable he always plays 4/4/2 and he only change to 4/5/1 against very strong teams away. His rotation is mininal and by doing so he mad team VULNERABLE too PREDICTABLE and with some UNHAPPY players with lack of rotation.
- He does not have a PLAN B

I wish it wasn't so but this is a top post. This looks more and more like a flavour of the month appointment. We were warned about this.
Re: Discuss Pellegrini (Pt 3)

Kun Aguero said:
Marvin said:
supercity88 said:
I must say I think a lot of players in and around our squad have had an easy ride for far too long. They might be happy winning the FA Cup then the League and then rest on their laurels and put no effort in but we need more. Players have been poor since the league winning campaign. Through injury or otherwise most have failed to reach the peaks of the 2011/12 season, and most have been inconsistent. You have to look at our key players and say who will replace them if they are injured? Silva you would say Nasri/Jovetic, Aguero you have Negredo/Dzeko, Yaya? Kompany? We laugh at Cleverly, Jones, Smalling, Welbeck but the fact is they have won the league too. So how is this true? Getting a system perfected is one part, having the correct mentality another, the final piece is having willing and able players to perform within parts one and two. We don't. Aside from Richards and Milner there are very few players who when called upon will put their heart and soul into a performance and perform. I would say Lescott, Kolorov, Rodwell, Garcia are no worse than the Rag players I listed, but put them on a pitch away at Sunderland and I know who would be more likely to perform and get a result.
Yet Lescott and Kolarov have won trophies with us. I think you maybe a bit unfair on them

Mentality is very important and this is what will be tested in the coming weeks. I think by the end of December we will be back

We won't be challenging for the league then, with the squad we have we should at least challenge for it.

We should be winning this league, end of story.
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