Discuss Pellegrini

FantasyIreland said:
It comes as little surprise at the people looking for a war again.

Pellegrini is a class act,id have hoped he'd have been a little further down the road with clearing up the mess,however,all will be good,i've no worries.

Todays shower - A blessing in disguise maybe?

Most of us love the Club. We are not fixated about the manager. We just show respect for those who transformed us from losers to winners.
Can we never ever use the world holistic again please ? What a load of cringeworthy bollocks that word is ! Reminds me of "bouncebackability" and it's like nails down a friggin chalkboard
keneke1234 said:
i mean cmon, its been TWO games.... you cant judge the manager based on TWO freaking games... give the man some time, he will deliver once the team fully gets how the manager wants to play and they adjust to the somewhat new system.
Christ! theres a man on here talking sense, come on you lot GET HIM
It's wrong to say that was an away display from last season.
No, it was even orse. It was Wolves away from even earlier, the day Micah made Jarvis look like Messi.
Unimpressed to say the least with the manager today. Had no effect at half time, got every substitution drastically wrong.
Why the fuck were Aguero & Silva, our two worst players by a mile, still on the field?
Why remove Navas just as the game was opening up?
Why remove Fernandinho when a foothold was needed and Yaya was being a typically lazy, sideways, non-tackling Shithouse.
Nasri against a hard working team. Why?
Lazy, complacent, slow, spineless, ponderous, cowardly, physically cowardly.
I remember a multiple trophy winner getting sacked fir that kind of display.
Too many automatic choices, undroppable cruisers taking the piss.
Hart, Yaya, Silva etc need a spell on the bench away from home. Teach them humility if nothing else.
Can someone explain how this is progress?

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