Discussion: Manuel Pellegrini 2014/15 (continued)

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Hypothetically, if we take 16 points from 18 and nick 2nd place, will MP get another year?
Neville Kneville said:
Regarding all the nonsense about Pellegrini handing out bollockings because it worked for Ferguson etc, well Ferguson himself said he couldn't do that in the modern game.

If you are going to set him up as an example, at least take an interest in what he says.

True, but apparently it's what Van Turtle is doing with the Rags - there's a video somewhere of him giving Shrek a right bollocking on the training ground over penalty taking I think.
A lot of the blame surely has to be down to the players mentality, although MP needs to have the balls to drop the players he feels are lacking in this department. Yaya springs to mind because he's already dropped Dzeko and Nasri for this reason.

The reason I've said the above has been evident in the last two games (Palace & Rags), we've started both games well and at the right tempo and pace with plenty of chances but the problem occurs when we concede, our mentality and confidence drains like a sand timer, is that MP's fault, we never used to be like that after conceding a goal?
Bang on Danamy, weak mentally and another thing we don't like it when teams up their own intensity we can't cope that's when the lazy players let us down we don't have all hands on the pump.
I agree the players are just as much to blame as Pellergrini .
But his tactics this season have been poor .
And for the life of me i don't know what they do in training .
It's ok dropping Nasri but what about Yaya Toure .
Anyway i wrote this season off after Liverpool when we lost 2-1 .
Something got to be done soon .
Because our seasons going really stale .
moomba said:
Don't know about bollocking but staff need to know who the boss is.

Was my big concern when Mancini left that we gave the message out to the players that they werent accountable for their own underperformance.

These are seasoned professionals , everyone of them almost to a man playing for their country in different set ups with different personalities but at the end of the day a professional performs to his best every time and knows when he hasn't and does something to minimise it happening again and doesn't conern himself with his relationship with his manager or whether the manager can work with the DOF or not.

He performs for the supporters through and through no ifs not buts and puts the teams results ahead of his own.

Professional pride always stands head and shoulders above past efforts , politics , egos and letting the supporters and teammates down whether they respect their team mate or not.

As soon as that is compromised and allowed to be compromised you see what happens to a side like City and that tells you more about the players than any of their past efforts
Damien10 said:
I am very suprised that people think Rafa would be a good choice...

I'd go along with it if we're talking a short term appointment whilst we wait for our main target. Bringing him in as our full time manager wouldn't get me over excited, but a 12 month contract wouldn't be the worse case scenario.
Pablo1 said:
Damien10 said:
I am very suprised that people think Rafa would be a good choice...

I'd go along with it if we're talking a short term appointment whilst we wait for our main target. Bringing him in as our full time manager wouldn't get me over excited, but a 12 month contract wouldn't be the worse case scenario.
So you would be happy with 12 months of dross?
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