Discussion: Manuel Pellegrini 2014/15 (continued)

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Don't know about bollocking but staff need to know who the boss is.

Was my big concern when Mancini left that we gave the message out to the players that they werent accountable for their own underperformance.
FanchesterCity said:
Damocles said:
I think the idea that grown men need to be bollocked to perform is ludicrous and a reflection of the fans frustration rather than their real opinions on modern management techniques

Do you people think that the best way of managing you at work is by shouting in your face?

Or would you just want to lamp the guy?

I have a fully grown son. He needs bollocking. They make immature mistakes. Sometimes I'll sit down calmly with him and explain my rationale, sometimes he get the hairdryer.

If he had a footballer's life, and 200K a week, I'd expect he'd need even more keeping in line.
We're talking about grown up men upset about a birthday cake....
We're talking about grown up men who take to twitter to express their disgust about being left out of a national team...
We're talking about grown up men who leave their club in the lurch for half a season because they've fallen out with a manager...

They probably aren't getting enough bollockings!!!

Shouting at players isn't always going to be the answer. And of course, some need an arm around the shoulder etc, but aggressive man management isn't always wrong either. The British Army aren't going to be sitting down to discuss your emotional concerns about having to walk 30 miles when you're tired. Short, sharp shock CAN work and does (when used appropriately)
Uncontrolled aggression is just wrong, but a controlled bollocking is a perfectly legitimate part of any manager's arsenal I'd say.

Next thing we'll hear is that it's inappropriate to put Sammy Nasri over my knee and spank him. The world's gone mad

I agree the world has gone stark raving mad.

I read somewhere that the players won't get their 500k bonuses if we fail to get champs league - these are players that can earn that in less than a month.

If certain players have lost respect for Pellers, the money certainly wont motivate them to bust a gut (Yaya Sunday a case in point).

Too many mercenaries, not enough respect for a Club and Manager that deserves more.
Damocles said:
I think the idea that grown men need to be bollocked to perform is ludicrous and a reflection of the fans frustration rather than their real opinions on modern management techniques

Do you people think that the best way of managing you at work is by shouting in your face?

Or would you just want to lamp the guy?

Depends what kind of job I did tbh. If I played professional sport, rugby for example, I might appreciate some lively words to get me in the mood before I went out
Damocles said:
I think the idea that grown men need to be bollocked to perform is ludicrous and a reflection of the fans frustration rather than their real opinions on modern management techniques

Do you people think that the best way of managing you at work is by shouting in your face?

Or would you just want to lamp the guy?

Totally get what you're saying but some things go on in football which suggests that players are a bit odd. It is accepted that if players know a manager isn't staying beyond of a current season, whether that's because he is being sacked or is choosing to not renew his contract that players will essentially take the opportunity to perform at a much reduced level. Managers have to pretend they're staying these days because they know as soon as players know they are going, the game is up. What the fuck does that say about footballers? As ever though it is all about balance, you don't want a manager who is a total **** like Mancini or one who appears to be a pussy like Pellegrini. Hopefully the next manager will be able to dish out bollockings when necessary but put his arm round the players who respond better to that type of management. Or maybe we will just keep faith with Pellegrini and sleep walk into the Europa League.
Out of interest, when is MP next due to speak officially - does he do scheduled press conferences mid week?
chesterbells said:
Out of interest, when is MP next due to speak officially - does he do scheduled press conferences mid week?

No idea but I'd put a hundred quid on him saying absolutely nothing of interest when he does it.
How does the infamous hairdryer treatment fit into these modern management techniques?

You know, the idea that grown men, and highly-paid professionals for that matter, would down tools when they aren't happy is equally ludicrous, yet people are quite happy to say it here.

If, however, they have been trying their best to play a system that doesn't suit for two years, with some success and an increasing number of failures, and have finally become thoroughly demotivated and lacking in confidence, then I could understand how it looks like they have downed tools.

Damocles said:
I think the idea that grown men need to be bollocked to perform is ludicrous and a reflection of the fans frustration rather than their real opinions on modern management techniques

Do you people think that the best way of managing you at work is by shouting in your face?

Or would you just want to lamp the guy?
Graham Hunter this Morning said that if Ancelotti leaves Madrid he would be looking to go back to Milan but City would be of interest to him
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