Discussion: Manuel Pellegrini 2014/15 (continued)

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blueinsa said:
Big Yaya Wilko 12 said:
Shaelumstash said:
Completely agree.

The only way it makes sense to keep Pellegrini is if Pep has assured us he is coming next year. The problem is, when we finish 6th next season, and all the players want to leave, see how quickly Pep changes his mind!

Completely agree! As others have said before, that is a completely untenable business model.

Extremely naive, as well. In a ruthless business like football, one must act swiftly and (obviously) ruthlessly.

To unrequitedly hold out for Pep for another season of turgid shite would be the kiss of death for our club.

Only fucking City could have the world at it's feet and end up treading in shit!


You and your gifs. One funny guy.
robbieh said:
blueinsa said:
Big Yaya Wilko 12 said:
Completely agree! As others have said before, that is a completely untenable business model.

Extremely naive, as well. In a ruthless business like football, one must act swiftly and (obviously) ruthlessly.

To unrequitedly hold out for Pep for another season of turgid shite would be the kiss of death for our club.

Only fucking City could have the world at it's feet and end up treading in shit!


You and your gifs. One funny guy.

Some posts deserve nothing more than derision and gifs can do it very nicely ;-)
Shaelumstash said:
mosssideblue said:
de niro said:
i think pellers has gone.

if he stays we have just wasted a lot of money and a lot of concrete building a new stand. the place will be empty.

Cannot see that myself. City fans, if nothing are loyal and will continue to rock up. If after finishing 1st, 2nd, 1st & ? in the last four seasons is going to turn the fans away, then I will be amazed.

It's a combination of things mate. Our attendances dropped in Pearce's last season. It wasn't because our supporters suddenly stopped becoming loyal, it's because the football was boring, so the casual fan stopped coming. For a season ticket next year it is approaching £40 a game, that is getting towards the brink of being unaffordable. Match day tickets will be £50 plus next season. For an occasional fan to fork out £50, they better feel like they are going to get their money's worth and be entertained. 2-2's at home to Burnely, defending like schoolchildren, and watching Fernando trudge around midfield is not worth £50 of anyone's money.

I don't think it's anything to do with loyalty or boredom, It's frustration.

Since 2008 we have taken huge strides in playing personnel and style of football and over the past few seasons we have seen some of the best performances by any team, anywhere. Some of our football has been scintillating and we were breaking records just for shits and giggles.

This season we have taken a couple of steps backwards and it's due to a combination of the managers tactics, his footballing ethos, and an ageing squad and inability to spend wisely in the transfer market...maybe an inability to spend what we want in the transfer market is more apt (however a couple of the buys have not turned out so well and maybe we should have kept our hands in our pockets) . Our defence looks pedestrian (once again) and midfield can't hold the ball or defend high up the field. We are tactically naive, can't take corners, can't defend set pieces, don't have the fitness or conditioning to maintain a high tempo for extended periods......etc etc. the list go's on.

So back to my original point; it's not about loyalty, it's just frustration, fans don't want to go and watch games on their day off only to be left feeling angry, pissed off, and have the weekend ruined further by listening to the charming man giving his usual post match sound bites on the way home.
robbieh said:
LoveCity said:
"The players, the managers, the owners, the fans, we are not happy with what we did, but I think we are working in the right way and we must arrange some things to try to win the title again next season."

Oh dear, he's really staying isn't he?

I wouldn't worry too much. Everything that's been coming out of the tactical genius's mouth recently has stunk of self preservation. He knows he's on the ropes and he's making excuses as he goes along. Not enough goals, hampered by FFP, can't win every year etc This is just what he wants to think.

But we know another year with him is a wasted opportunity. More importantly Kun and DS know that too. If I were them as soon as it became obvious Pellegrini was staying I would put in a transfer request. The players, their agents, Mou, wenger and virtually the entire football world know Pellegrini is not top bracket.

And that is why Mansour won't countenance keeping Manuel any longer.
Yep, i think the sheikh will agree with you & me mate & fuck him off, i'm fairly certain of that
Four fuckin games left with the old fool, i can cope with that...
blueinsa said:
robbieh said:
blueinsa said:

You and your gifs. One funny guy.

Some posts deserve nothing more than derision and gifs can do it very nicely ;-)

But how is it wrong (if you ignore my use of hyperbole) to say that if we languish for another season under Pellegrini that we will likely miss out on Top 4 and that would be disastrous?

We have almost missed out on it this year and we are supposed to have the best (or second best) squad in the country!

If he stays things will look mighty bleak!
I think it's inevitable he stays.

We can't change 7 or 8 players and go ahead and start building a new squad and at the same time change the manager and his coaching team as well, it would be too unstable.

Pellegrini seems to have the backing of the dressing room and Zaba and Hart have pretty much confirmed this in recent weeks.

For as bad as Pellegrini has got his tactics wrong in the big games this season a lot of blame still has to go on the players, most have just not turned up this season and look like they have run their course at City.
Big Yaya Wilko 12 said:
blueinsa said:
robbieh said:
You and your gifs. One funny guy.

Some posts deserve nothing more than derision and gifs can do it very nicely ;-)

But how is it wrong (if you ignore my use of hyperbole) to say that if we languish for another season under Pellegrini that we will likely miss out on Top 4 and that would be disastrous?

We have almost missed out on it this year and we are supposed to have the best (or second best) squad in the country!

If he stays things will look mighty bleak!

Its wrong because you cant read the future. He could well stay and repeat his first season, you know the one where we won the double.

I think he is toast and that we will appoint a new manager come the summer and I think he already knows that but some of the shit spoken on here about the man of late is ridiculous.

Your OP claimed we had clueless owners ffs!?
OB1 said:
Mister Appointment said:
LoveCity said:
Oh dear, he's really staying isn't he?

If he stays it'll certainly separate the men from the boys amongst our supporters. Way too many mard arses have had their fannies out all season.

I would find it quite amusing.

They're here. One by one they are crawling out from under their rocks. I get the feeling their fannies get a little wet whenever I post something judging by the predictability with which they come running to throw rocks at Pellegrini.

Maybe I should tell 'em to fuck off and support Chelsea cuz they're a cancer on the club. :)
blueinsa said:
Big Yaya Wilko 12 said:
blueinsa said:
Some posts deserve nothing more than derision and gifs can do it very nicely ;-)

But how is it wrong (if you ignore my use of hyperbole) to say that if we languish for another season under Pellegrini that we will likely miss out on Top 4 and that would be disastrous?

We have almost missed out on it this year and we are supposed to have the best (or second best) squad in the country!

If he stays things will look mighty bleak!

Its wrong because you cant read the future. He could well stay and repeat his first season, you know the one where we won the double.

I think he is toast and that we will appoint a new manager come the summer and I think he already knows that but some of the shit spoken on here about the man of late is ridiculous.

Your OP claimed we had clueless owners ffs!?

Yes, fair enough. I know I can't see the future but I was just speculating, I suppose. I'm just worried about the club, really.

To me, at the moment, the atmosphere around us is fairly bleak. We're being linked with Ings and Wilshire and there seems to be no solace or words of encouragement being leaked by the people in charge.

I didn't say the owners were clueless, in my defence, I said the people in charge (namely Txiki and Ferran) would confirm our fears that they are clueless should he stay! That's all.

It's my bad for indulging in hysterical hyperbole, but if one were to read the subtext behind my desperation (difficult, I know!), I think my points are well founded.
sam-caddick said:
I think it's inevitable he stays.

We can't change 7 or 8 players and go ahead and start building a new squad and at the same time change the manager and his coaching team as well, it would be too unstable.

Pellegrini seems to have the backing of the dressing room and Zaba and Hart have pretty much confirmed this in recent weeks.

For as bad as Pellegrini has got his tactics wrong in the big games this season a lot of blame still has to go on the players, most have just not turned up this season and look like they have run their course at City.

It may be that we don't need to change 7 players. 3 quality ones would do the job.

As for having the dressing room. Sure they like him. He's nicer to work with than his predecessor. But that doesn't mean he's a great manager and I am sure the owners know the difference.
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