Discussion: Manuel Pellegrini 2014/15 (continued)

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Is odd there is nothing at all in media about him losing job this week
Damanino said:
Pelle doesnt have the balls to drop Yaya.

That summarizes it nicely.

In fact you could make it shorter and say "Pelle doesn't have balls" .

"Nice" guys like him do not keep the respect of the players when the bad results keep stacking up.

This squad of millionaire divas needs a right bollocking, someone to bring them back to earth and remind them of how fortunate they are to be where they are and earn the money they earn.

If I was manager I would have dropped Toure weeks/months ago. Actually I would have frozen him out after Cakegate.
allan harper said:
The club are happy for the manager and players to coast along until then end of the season, while the fans have paid/are paying good money to watch them.

Get him fucked off now, don't wait till the summer.

This is what it seems like, weather that is the case or not we don't know. I will be thankful at the end of the season if we're in the top 4. How times change within 3 months.
BobKowalski said:
dancity19 said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Whether they sack him immediately depends on whether (a) they have someone who they believe can take the reins for the rest of the season and (b) whether anyone in (a) is more likely to get us top 3 than Pellegrini.

That implies the decision has been made that he is going? Or am I reading too much into that...

I don't think you need to be ITK to realise Peller's time is up. Its been telegraphed ever since his agent started a blog about the top 5 restaurants in Naples.

At least he will go for decent reasons , like trusting the wrong people, lack of tactical nous , stubbornesss etc.
Manchester_lalala said:
allan harper said:
The club are happy for the manager and players to coast along until then end of the season, while the fans have paid/are paying good money to watch them.

Get him fucked off now, don't wait till the summer.

This is what it seems like, weather that is the case or not we don't know. I will be thankful at the end of the season if we're in the top 4. How times change within 3 months.

We're slowly morphing into Arsenal, weak minded players that can't handle it when the going gets tough.

Finishing 4th this season would be an absolute disgrace, but the way things currently stand it would seem like winning a trophy
Its obvious that we have a fractured dressing room and its also obvious as to its causes:

The balkans getting a fucking mard arse over the treatment of their best mate Nastasic and then to add insult to injury , Jovetic being told thanks but no thanks. Bony must feel really welcome around those three....

Yaya and his antics last May , the rest of the team will be fucked if they are going to make up for his lack of workrate for another season, for him to bask in limelight and use it as leverage for a bigger contract. His mate Nasri has also seen his arse as his best mate is now a parriah within the dressing room...he has reverted to type pretty quickly.

Kompany giving it the big man captain thing all the time when near enough every game he's costing us points and goals....it no wonder Fernandinho clocked him. Sort your own form out Vinny and lead by example not by bellowing in the tunnel pre game then tripping over your own shoelaces.....

Mangala thinks he's playing the okey kokey, in out , in out shake it all about. This one stinks of manager hanging him out to dry to prove a point to the directors.....ditto Fernando....

The total fucking abortion that was the Lampard situation post Christmas, the will he wont he stay , the deinals , the sheepish admital on deadline of the true facts....this also strangely coincided with our from dropping off a cliff.....coincidence? Then for him to play hardly any games since is criminal ....WHY?

In a way you have to feel a bit sorry for Manuel .....he came in as the breath of fresh air which united this vipers nest for a short time.....a bit similar to good old Avram at Chelsea....but once that wore off the mask quickly slipped.

He's out of his depth now he has to do a bit of man managment , the old arm round the shoulder routine no longer works. The problem is , the stick dont work for a dead man walking. Tactically he's always been out of his depth, the talent we have at our disposal masked a multitude of sins....

There needs to be a serious examination of the types of characters in our squad and rid us for good of the charlatans and pre madonnas, I would keep the following:


Kompany (a summers rest should sort his head out)



And obviously fuck Manuel off at our earliest convenience....
Give PV the job until the end of the season and let the players and media know that he will be number 2 to the new guy,
hopefully Ancelotti, next season.

We can't continue with this dead man walking situation.

If any of the players can't be arsed their cards will be well and truly marked with Patrick continuing to be part of the first team management
set up. I'd expect that we'd then get the usual new manager bounce like we got when Pearce first took over from Keegan.
Damanino said:
I think he doesnt notice our defensive organization/shape is a piece of shit. Thats why it doesnt get improved by him.

Plenty of people pointed it out on here earlyish last season that the way he was trying to get us to defence was a disaster waiting to happen. The fact is he can't possibly give a shit about our defending or he would never have taken the approach he has from day one let alone just leave it for this long without addressing it. I think there has been an arrogance that has often bordered on a lack of respect for opposition teams and I think this has been perfectly illustrated in his overall attitude to defending. This season it has filtered into other areas where the first team squad and management seem to think they are above having to bother with the basics of the game whether that be defensive responsibilities, fitness levels, practising set pieces.
EVERY recent interview has him stating he "doesn't understand why the team only plays well for short periods"

Maybe he doesn't realise it's his job to sort it f@cking out.

Personally I don't see any advantage of keeping him until the end of the season. He know's he's going, we know he's going and so do the lazy c@nts wearing blue.
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