Discussion: Manuel Pellegrini 2014/15 (continued)

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There is absolutely no advantages to have him manage the team until May, zero. Clear out now whilst we have the upper hand on a top 4 finish.
Is there really some meeting behind closed doors today?

Few days ago Soriano was giving interview in Australia, is he back already?

I would expect Mansour arriving to the training ground today and start running towards Pelle angrily...
Is there any chance that some of the players - fearing that they will go in the summer and lose their big pay packets and cushy life styles - have figured out that their best chance is to not make the top four?
As that reduces the options for the club getting replacements for them (no CL money, players going elsewhere to clubs who are in CL etc).

Are any of them clever/mercenary enough to calculate that less effort over the next few weeks = no top 4 = some hope they might be allowed to stick around because their planned replacements then won't come?

If so there is no alternative to getting rid of Pellegrini now if only because any new manager over 6 games gives those fearing for their future the chance to up their game and impress in the hope that this will count when decisions are made about their futures.

I am assuming that the club will not have been foolish enough to inform any of the first team squad they are on their way. And that the club really do want CL football next season.

Of course, the other alternative is to work out whose these are and drop them. But it is easier said than done given that so many whom I think are honest and usually hard working are just out of form and not purposefully underperforming.
Damanino said:
Is there really some meeting behind closed doors today?

Few days ago Soriano was giving interview in Australia, is he back already?

I would expect Mansour arriving to the training ground today and start running towards Pelle angrily...
They dont need to be all together to have a meeting although a face to face meeting is alot better than video calls
The way I see it:

If it hasn't been done already then a decision needs to be made today or tomorrow on whether or not Pellegrini will be our manager next season. We can't afford to wait and see whether he secures top 4 or not to make that decision. In spite of his achievements last season I don't see this as being remotely harsh on him as he is the one that has presided over the current dip in form that is putting our top 4 position in jeopardy and bringing this to a head now.

If the decision has been made that he wont be our manager next season then he needs to go now. The team is in free fall at the moment and something needs to change to arrest that slide. PV for 6 matches couldn't possibly do any worse than now.

If he is staying on for next season (which i wouldn't be in favour of but could understand if there is some sort of agreement with Pep) then the execs need to come out and make this clear. There is no way he can reassert any authority over this team at this point without that kind of backing. He then needs to fuck all the wasters and trouble makers off to the reserves ASAP, play the 11 guys that have a bit of fight in them for the rest of the season and bring some of the kids through to the bench in place of those that are fucking about.

Essentially, back him or sack him.

The last few results mean there is no room for taking a softly softly approach anymore.
pml79 said:
Damanino said:
Is there really some meeting behind closed doors today?

Few days ago Soriano was giving interview in Australia, is he back already?

I would expect Mansour arriving to the training ground today and start running towards Pelle angrily...
They dont need to be all together to have a meeting although a face to face meeting is alot better than video calls

Maybe Chappy is doing a skype chat about his latest pranks with Txiki and Soriano today, thats the big meeting...
About time we got an elite manager to take us into the upper echelon. Mancini was decent and Pellegrini is also probably about on the same level, but neither of them are world-class tacticians that's for sure. With the quality we have at our disposal with the likes of Aguero, Silva, VK, Yaya, Zab (None of which have turned shite just cos some of them are about to hit their 30's despite what the media have you believe) etc we should be finishing this season far stronger. Frankly this year has been nothing short of pathetic on the whole. Stop dithering City and just sack him, it's not like he's going to build a legacy for another 10 years until he's in his 70's. Stop-gap manager right from the word go.
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