Discussion: Manuel Pellegrini 2015/16

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Do you know him personally?

You seem to have taken great offence to a metaphorical comparison. . . Very touchy, indeed. Weirdly so.

He is all those things you listed and we're getting worse under him. So, I think the term 'poison' is apt. We're a squad of untold talents, crippled from the inside by an inept manager. So, again, I think poison is an apt metaphor. Metaphor. I'm sure he's a lovely person, but I'll stand by that metaphor.

And I was around for Clarke and Ball but, if you read what I said, I said SINCE Pearce. . .
Stop talking shite and trying to go back on what you said.
Saying a manager is fucking poison ain't no metaphor.
It's a phrase that has fuck all to do with the bloke or the bloke as a manager.
A manager that is a fucking poison is somebody who is a horrible ****, a shite loser and a nasty bastard when things don't go their way.
For example mourinho.
Like I said your comment shows how clueless your are about football and to try and backtrack and say it was a 'metaphor ' is fucking laughable.
But looking a your posts that raincloud follows you everywhere.
I think most have come to the conclusion that the executive team have a plan and that this will be carried out. So no changes will be made until the end of the season. The interesting question becomes is if (and I really hope it does not come to this) we show signs of dropping out of the top four, what does this do if anything to our future managerial plans, future signings, and funding in respect of FFP?
Stop talking shite and trying to go back on what you said.
Saying a manager is fucking poison ain't no metaphor.
It's a phrase that has fuck all to do with the bloke or the bloke as a manager.
A manager that is a fucking poison is somebody who is a horrible ****, a shite loser and a nasty bastard when things don't go their way.
For example mourinho.
Like I said your comment shows how clueless your are about football and to try and backtrack and say it was a 'metaphor ' is fucking laughable.
But looking a your posts that raincloud follows you everywhere.

Post of the morning!
I think most have come to the conclusion that the executive team have a plan and that this will be carried out. So no changes will be made until the end of the season. The interesting question becomes is if (and I really hope it does not come to this) we show signs of dropping out of the top four, what does this do if anything to our future managerial plans, future signings, and funding in respect of FFP?

I'd expect changes to the Executice Team if we failed to finish in the Top Four. That said, this won't be an issue!
Never heard a City manager say we were knackered in December .
But i do recall Mancini saying City were knackered in March 2011 .
Anyway what hope have we got if we are knackered in December .
The grand slam still on .
But i wouldn't rush down to the bookies to put any money on it .
Absolutely spot on. We could at this stage have a number of youth team players that could supplement the squad and would give us so many options. The youngsters are out on the bench to make up numbers and do not stand a real chance of playing. Garcia is one who could certainly have given a chance along with others. By not introducing them last year and giving them game time this season we have shot ourselves in the foot.

I think Garcia has all the ability to become a top player, but is not showing enough of it currently to merit being in the first team squad & his inclusion is actually the very 'favour' people have been saying we shouldn't do, but even he should have got on te pitch more having been selected. There are a bunch of young players though who, imo, a proper manager would have brought into the first team squad, to use tactically, not as 'favours' for being promising. People like Maffeo, Bryan, Angelino, they will run their bollocks off for the shirt. They don't even necessarily have to play their position. When Fernandinho has played two hard games & we're winning in relative comfort, fucking take him off. Put a kid on. It's that last half hour, which means he's fucked after 30 mins in the next game & carrying a strain. Even if it's a fullback kid playing def mid. Do it.

We are at least a year behind on this & it's completely the manager's fault.
Shall we re visit and discuss in May or is the league won and lost in December now?
But there are enough people out there who love the drama of all this and will come out with "I can absolutely guarantee we will not be in the top four" and so the thread will run and run.
As far as I can see, Pep is very likely to join us in the summer whether MP wins the league or not. Given that, what is the point in getting someone else in now?

Having said that, there are almost no managers in the world who were able, by sheer force of personality, to get players to perform at the highest possible level three matches a week, week in, week out, to refuse to put in a mediocre performance, regardless of how you played the week before, who the opposition is, or who the opposition is next week, who is injured or coming back from injury, whether you are at a Champions League final at the Nou Camp or away in Hull on a wet Monday night, and whether you are on a ten match winning or a losing streak, first or last in the table. Until this season this season I would have said that of current/recent managers, only Maureen, Baconface (as much as I regret to say it) and Pep Guardiola were really in that category, and this season really proves that list is too long.
We would demonstrate that it was wrong to fire Mancini, for one.

Yes, tank four competitions that we have a chance of winning so that "I was right on the internet all along" can be gleefully shouted in these parts. That sounds like a great plan to me. Fortunately the club is not run by incoherent, hateful children. He's here till the end of the season almost certainly. Then Pep or whomever comes in.

I've almost always defended Pellers and will fully admit to being completely appalled at some of the performances we've been putting in this year. Because I have no allegiance to or against any current or former manager and don't really care if "idiotic shit I say on the internet" is later proven/seems to to be correct. I support MCFC and want the best for the club.

Just wait. If Pep comes here and he has his, maybe, second bad result that next season. Will the same people who absolutely flip their shit at Txiki, Khaldoon, Pellers, etc be in full freakout mode? "Oh, Pep tries to overcorrect for every last thing! Too unstable! Overrated fucking c*nt. Needs to be fucked off. etc etc etc etc."

For fucks sake just support Inter this year if you still love Mancini that much. And then support whoever else he manages two years from now. You'll make yourselves and a lot of others happier if you do.

I recon if Pep's still doing the same shit 2 & a half years in & clearly losing midfield because of it, then most on here would recon he's not what he's made out to be & hoping he fucked off asap.
I think Garcia has all the ability to become a top player, but is not showing enough of it currently to merit being in the first team squad & his inclusion is actually the very 'favour' people have been saying we shouldn't do, but even he should have got on te pitch more having been selected. There are a bunch of young players though who, imo, a proper manager would have brought into the first team squad, to use tactically, not as 'favours' for being promising. People like Maffeo, Bryan, Angelino, they will run their bollocks off for the shirt. They don't even necessarily have to play their position. When Fernandinho has played two hard games & we're winning in relative comfort, fucking take him off. Put a kid on. It's that last half hour, which means he's fucked after 30 mins in the next game & carrying a strain. Even if it's a fullback kid playing def mid. Do it.

We are at least a year behind on this & it's completely the manager's fault.[/QUOTE

You seen much of Humphrey's and what are your thoughts ?
I would love to sack Pellegrini if we had a replacement, but I don't see how we can have a replacement with all the stuff that is going on, unless Bayern are sacking Pep.

I think Pellegrini did a good job when he first came to City & is capable of a much higher level of tactical & organisational management than we are seeing. But I think there is strong evidence that he will only do that when backed into a corner. It wouldn't surprise me at all, if we suddenly won a bunch of games now playing a 4-6 formation wih no strikers & Silva as a 'false' 9 or something, as he's proved he can do shit like that. But he's also proved he struggles to motivate players to run the extra yard for him, & that he will try to revert to variations of his favourite system, against any opposition, at any time, & often refuses to take the oppo or the conditions, or the fitness of his players, into consideration. Well either that or he's a fucking stupid old bastard & I'm giving him too much credit.

He is apparently using fitness issues as an excuse. Well I was pointing out weeks ago, how he was running DeBruyne into the ground (many thought that was perfectly ok) & DeBruyne has never been quite as sharp since. I have also mentioned 1000 times, how imo a proper manager would have started regularly using kids later in games as subs etc & that thuis would have started over a year ago. The typical response to this from some is 'we pick the strongest side for every game' & 'they have to prove they are good enough, not expect favours'.

Well it isn't a fucking 'favour' it's about using our own kids to take the strain off the 'first team' players giving them more time to recuperate & not having them running at times when they are likely to pick up injuries & strains. It doesn't fucking matter whether or not George Evans is or isn't going to make it as a long term City player, if he can stop Fernandinho straining a calf muscle by replacing him for 30 mins when we're 3-0 up. This is the key to Ferguson's use of young players, not that they all bcome stars like Giggs, they help THE SQUAD get through tough times. That old fucker has totally failed to make best use of the untold riches at his fingertips & has no plan whatsoever in that regard, even for the short term.

And I'll give you the example which proves this: on the bench v Stoke, fucking Garcia. What the fuck was he EVER going to do v Stoke, away, in a fucking hurricane ? Kean Bryan, who tackles everything which moves, runs his balls off for City & even keeps possession better than Garcia, stronger, much more likely to survive ? Never even played 5 mins under Pellegrini. Absolutely scandallous waste of a potential asset which could help the squad & stupid, short sighted management. Denayer could also have filled in centre mid & right back as well as cb, & probably done centre mid better than Fernando. a better 1v1 defender than ANYONE in the first team. Maybe George Evans could have filled a space whilst others rested too. All would need minutes on the pitch to get upto pace first though. None have had any. Utter shit management. So when he moans about injuries, he is full of shit imo. He fucked up Negredo in a dead game, for no reason, almost cost us the season, & that has always made me wonder about him.
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