Discussion: Txiki Begiristain (2014/15)

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Mister Appointment said:
AntonDonJuan said:
I like how Martin Samuel is everyone's favourite journalist who speaks the tturth when others don't when he is talking about anybody/anything else

But when it comes to reporting on someone at our club in a negative light he is a dinosaur

I don't have a favourite journalist but thanks for that.

What I like is how all of a sudden our club is apparently so badly run that half the forum is falling over itself to agree with every no mark journo/rag/pundit so long As they're slagging off Txiki/Soriano/Pellegrini/Vinny/Yaya.

Nowt to do with wearing blue tinted specs or being a happy clapper. Just sick of the shite worthless facile criticism of everything Blue.

Come on lad you've got thicker skin than that! By your own admission after the Liverpool and Burnley games you were saying yourself that it didn't look good for him, even agreeing with other posters views that the some of his on field tactics were baffling and he wasn't doing himself any favours. people are asking questions about all aspects of the footballing set up and rightly so, its not about slagging off all things blue.
ello_jo said:
moomba said:
ello_jo said:
Because txikis well thought out transfers coupled with his lack of passion have done well for the club so far. I see.

Has it really been that bad? Come on, we've won a league title and a league cup in this catastrophic period, not to mention reaching the knockouts of the champions league twice. Hardly a disaster.
I'm not calling it a disaster, but can you honestly say we have progressed from last year? At this moment in time you can't be happy with city's progress, whoever you blame whether it be pellegrini, txiki, soriano or the players, it ultimately comes down to those 2 who are in charge. They saw it fit to swap mancini for pellegrini, to pay a shed load of money for squad players instead of players to freshen up the first team and to remove players ie. Richards, lescott who used to keep morale high in the dressing room.

This summer is when we make a final judgement, all I'm saying is I think right now we'd be in a better place had we still had cook and mancini.

People move on and the good ones groom / mentor others to take over roles that they hope they will improve on when they take on the same or similar role.

In the real world of course that hardly happens least of all at a football club.

I wish that Vinny for example who most would say could best identify his successor as captain could groom him to take while at the club but so far that which is the best example of mentorship and practically possible looks unlikely.

Who knows if we would be in a better place right now with Cook and RM and sorry to be blunt but who cares.

Both moved on and both fell on their own sword so to speak.

Both appear to be individuals that like to try different jobs on numerous occasions so by accident or design would have manipulated a situation to create their departure by now anyway.

MP is not as loud and charismatic as RM but that doesn't meanhe is not passionate or as passionate to do what he is able to ensure we succeed.

I think like RM did ( perhaps after his first title ) MP has come to the fork in the road but if there isn't a better one in the minds of the hirers and firers he will most likely stay provided he qualifies us for Chumps League next season.
mancity1 said:
ello_jo said:
moomba said:
Has it really been that bad? Come on, we've won a league title and a league cup in this catastrophic period, not to mention reaching the knockouts of the champions league twice. Hardly a disaster.
I'm not calling it a disaster, but can you honestly say we have progressed from last year? At this moment in time you can't be happy with city's progress, whoever you blame whether it be pellegrini, txiki, soriano or the players, it ultimately comes down to those 2 who are in charge. They saw it fit to swap mancini for pellegrini, to pay a shed load of money for squad players instead of players to freshen up the first team and to remove players ie. Richards, lescott who used to keep morale high in the dressing room.

This summer is when we make a final judgement, all I'm saying is I think right now we'd be in a better place had we still had cook and mancini.

People move on and the good ones groom / mentor others to take over roles that they hope they will improve on when they take on the same or similar role.

In the real world of course that hardly happens least of all at a football club.

I wish that Vinny for example who most would say could best identify his successor as captain could groom him to take while at the club but so far that which is the best example of mentorship and practically possible looks unlikely.

Who knows if we would be in a better place right now with Cook and RM and sorry to be blunt but who cares.

Both moved on and both fell on their own sword so to speak.

Both appear to be individuals that like to try different jobs on numerous occasions so by accident or design would have manipulated a situation to create their departure by now anyway.

MP is not as loud and charismatic as RM but that doesn't meanhe is not passionate or as passionate to do what he is able to ensure we succeed.

I think like RM did ( perhaps after his first title ) MP has come to the fork in the road but if there isn't a better one in the minds of the hirers and firers he will most likely stay provided he qualifies us for Chumps League next season.

When it comes down to mancini and pellegrini passion isn't the issue, I have no doubt they both want the team to succeed as much as the other. When these two are compared it's tactics that are raised, mancini took us from tightest defence in the league to highest scoring. Pellegrini has taken us from free scoring, to being sussed out an not having a plan b. Mancini faltered after we won the league because we didn't sign who he wanted, agreed that was still before the txiki and soriano era but it was also post Gary Cooke. You may say Cooke is in a different role to txiki but it's more about the pairing to me, whoever takes the Cooke role now isn't doing it, like I say I may be proven wrong and you could say mancini is past etc. But when talking get about the barca boys it is still very relevant because it was there decision to remove him. What if they remove pellegrini for a manger we look back on in a year and think is worse?
ello_jo said:
mancity1 said:
ello_jo said:
I'm not calling it a disaster, but can you honestly say we have progressed from last year? At this moment in time you can't be happy with city's progress, whoever you blame whether it be pellegrini, txiki, soriano or the players, it ultimately comes down to those 2 who are in charge. They saw it fit to swap mancini for pellegrini, to pay a shed load of money for squad players instead of players to freshen up the first team and to remove players ie. Richards, lescott who used to keep morale high in the dressing room.

This summer is when we make a final judgement, all I'm saying is I think right now we'd be in a better place had we still had cook and mancini.

People move on and the good ones groom / mentor others to take over roles that they hope they will improve on when they take on the same or similar role.

In the real world of course that hardly happens least of all at a football club.

I wish that Vinny for example who most would say could best identify his successor as captain could groom him to take while at the club but so far that which is the best example of mentorship and practically possible looks unlikely.

Who knows if we would be in a better place right now with Cook and RM and sorry to be blunt but who cares.

Both moved on and both fell on their own sword so to speak.

Both appear to be individuals that like to try different jobs on numerous occasions so by accident or design would have manipulated a situation to create their departure by now anyway.

MP is not as loud and charismatic as RM but that doesn't meanhe is not passionate or as passionate to do what he is able to ensure we succeed.

I think like RM did ( perhaps after his first title ) MP has come to the fork in the road but if there isn't a better one in the minds of the hirers and firers he will most likely stay provided he qualifies us for Chumps League next season.

When it comes down to mancini and pellegrini passion isn't the issue, I have no doubt they both want the team to succeed as much as the other. When these two are compared it's tactics that are raised, mancini took us from tightest defence in the league to highest scoring. Pellegrini has taken us from free scoring, to being sussed out an not having a plan b. Mancini faltered after we won the league because we didn't sign who he wanted, agreed that was still before the txiki and soriano era but it was also post Gary Cooke. You may say Cooke is in a different role to txiki but it's more about the pairing to me, whoever takes the Cooke role now isn't doing it, like I say I may be proven wrong and you could say mancini is past etc. But when talking get about the barca boys it is still very relevant because it was there decision to remove him. What if they remove pellegrini for a manger we look back on in a year and think is worse?

Txiki can come under fire on a number of fronts and don't think he is immune from receiving a similar fate to that of RM and if we are to believe the scribes should we bow out tonight and worse still come up short on Saturday RM.

His next appointment at the helm of management while be as important as the next crop of players we bring in over the summer.

There are few excuses for him to lean on if we don't progress in Chumps League without compromising our top 3 status or inf act top 2 over the past 3 seasons in the next couple of years.

The model is not to remove managers before there contracts expire but perhaps to sign them to shorter contracts with the option of renewal.

Still can't fathom why we resigned RM to that deal when it was as hindsight told us that he was on borrowed time even after the title win.
GaudinoMotors said:
Mister Appointment said:
cibaman said:
Samuels has a number of hobby horses that he periodically brings out. FFP is the most obvious but he also has a downer on DoF's generally. Its one of his recurring themes.

Standard British Dinosaur. FFP because a Frenchman introduced it. DoF because it's continental.

So the dislike of FFP and scepticism of DoF's is because of British xenophobia?

Skepticism of the Director of Football model is either xenophobia or stupidity. Everywhere else in literally the entire world uses it successfully and without question.

Every major club in Britain now also uses it outside of United. City used it before Txiki Begiristain came in.

People who doubt the model, and I rarely say this about an opinion, are flat out wrong.
Damocles said:
GaudinoMotors said:
Mister Appointment said:
Standard British Dinosaur. FFP because a Frenchman introduced it. DoF because it's continental.

So the dislike of FFP and scepticism of DoF's is because of British xenophobia?

Skepticism of the Director of Football model is either xenophobia or stupidity. Everywhere else in literally the entire world uses it successfully and without question.

Every major club in Britain now also uses it outside of United. City used it before Txiki Begiristain came in.

People who doubt the model, and I rarely say this about an opinion, are flat out wrong.

The everyone uses it, therefore it's right logic. Clubs use them for differing reasons - some use them to keep the transfer costs down others use them because they don't judge a managers judgment etc etc, on some occaisions they are used well and the DoB knows his stuff.
It's clear our summer signings haven't exactly gone too well despite a decent spend.
Is it ok to discuss our DoB's performance without the insults and disgusting accusations of xenophobia? Afterall you are Mr Logical Song these days.
This is my issue with Txiki; I dont believe that the team have gotten better since we won the title with mancini. If you look at this list the only signing I think has been a success is Fernandinho, many have left or havent really made the grade.
yekimevol said:
This is my issue with Txiki; I dont believe that the team have gotten better since we won the title with mancini. If you look at this list the only signing I think has been a success is Fernandinho, many have left or havent really made the grade.

Half of those weren't signed under Begiristain and 5 of them were signed this season making the judgement not exactly a fair one
Damocles said:
yekimevol said:
This is my issue with Txiki; I dont believe that the team have gotten better since we won the title with mancini. If you look at this list the only signing I think has been a success is Fernandinho, many have left or havent really made the grade.

Half of those weren't signed under Begiristain and 5 of them were signed this season making the judgement not exactly a fair one

I think Lampard could easily be viewed as a success given he came on a free at least for the time he has played.

A bit strange he has had as little game time as he has since the decision to keep him till seasons end but who knows he may score another vital goal or two for us in the last 9 games.

Goals that get you points especially three are the most important ones.
moomba said:
ello_jo said:
Because txikis well thought out transfers coupled with his lack of passion have done well for the club so far. I see.

Has it really been that bad? Come on, we've won a league title and a league cup in this catastrophic period, not to mention reaching the knockouts of the champions league twice. Hardly a disaster.

Nope it's far from a disaster just as the 12/13 season wasn't a disaster either. Dropping out of the top 3 would be a disaster (ish) but as along as we get a top 3 spot it's about as far from a disaster as you can get.
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