Discussion: Txiki Begiristain (2014/15)

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nellyonthewing said:
There is an assumption that anyone connected with Barca is by virtue of that a football genius. Txixi is providing strong evidence to the contrary.......

Yes, its that good that they can only really think of Pep, Pep or Pep as the next manager.

At Barca they promoted from within, all we have of any substance is PV as a possible manager for the future.
Mister Appointment said:
cibaman said:
Samuels has a number of hobby horses that he periodically brings out. FFP is the most obvious but he also has a downer on DoF's generally. Its one of his recurring themes.

Standard British Dinosaur. FFP because a Frenchman introduced it. DoF because it's continental.

So the dislike of FFP and scepticism of DoF's is because of British xenophobia?
GaudinoMotors said:
Mister Appointment said:
cibaman said:
Samuels has a number of hobby horses that he periodically brings out. FFP is the most obvious but he also has a downer on DoF's generally. Its one of his recurring themes.

Standard British Dinosaur. FFP because a Frenchman introduced it. DoF because it's continental.

So the dislike of FFP and scepticism of DoF's is because of British xenophobia?

Well he does write for the Daily Mail so it's a good starting point.
GaudinoMotors said:
Mister Appointment said:
cibaman said:
Samuels has a number of hobby horses that he periodically brings out. FFP is the most obvious but he also has a downer on DoF's generally. Its one of his recurring themes.

Standard British Dinosaur. FFP because a Frenchman introduced it. DoF because it's continental.

So the dislike of FFP and scepticism of DoF's is because of British xenophobia?

10/10 for comprehension. ;)

Still it's the Daily Mail so it's hardly shocking !
I like how Martin Samuel is everyone's favourite journalist who speaks the tturth when others don't when he is talking about anybody/anything else

But when it comes to reporting on someone at our club in a negative light he is a dinosaur
Mister Appointment said:
GaudinoMotors said:
Mister Appointment said:
Standard British Dinosaur. FFP because a Frenchman introduced it. DoF because it's continental.

So the dislike of FFP and scepticism of DoF's is because of British xenophobia?

10/10 for comprehension. ;)

Still it's the Daily Mail so it's hardly shocking !

Is Khaldoon only half Dinosaur then? ;-)
Wonder what the transfers would look like had cook still been there? A shadow of what we see there I imagine and for the better.

Don't like him or the way he does his dealings, at least last year when we had our rotation players it included the likes of lesscott and Richards who were big characters in the dressing room.

They seem to have no understanding of our club and just treat it as business. For all cooks faults he still had passion and desire about city and what we were doing.
AntonDonJuan said:
I like how Martin Samuel is everyone's favourite journalist who speaks the tturth when others don't when he is talking about anybody/anything else
But when it comes to reporting on someone at our club in a negative light he is a dinosaur

Spot on.
Personally I think a DOF structure works as dealing with agents is just too much for a manager these days - but only if the manager has the ability to say yes/no to transfers and can get a specific player he thinks can do a job in the side.
ello_jo said:
Wonder what the transfers would look like had cook still been there? A shadow of what we see there I imagine and for the better.

Don't like him or the way he does his dealings, at least last year when we had our rotation players it included the likes of lesscott and Richards who were big characters in the dressing room.

They seem to have no understanding of our club and just treat it as business. For all cooks faults he still had passion and desire about city and what we were doing.

There is a downside in being 'passionate'. It leads to making knee jerk decisions.
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