Discussion: Txiki Begiristain (2014/15)

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About time we got rid of this prat imo, he can pack his bags with manuel. Spunked away over 60 mil last summer on shite ( I know there was ffp to contend with but ffs, we could of done tonnes better with the money we had and the options we had) give someone else a go IMO.
middleton___blue said:
About time we got rid of this prat imo, he can pack his bags with manuel. Spunked away over 60 mil last summer on shite ( I know there was ffp to contend with but ffs, we could of done tonnes better with the money we had and the options we had) give someone else a go IMO.

This is easy to say from the outside looking in but unless you know exactly what he was dealing with then it's misplaced to call him a prat. We don't know the intricacies of his job, maybe the other options you mention wanted something that he we were not in a position to offer at that time due to restrictions. I believe he can only really be judged when working without these restrictions.
middleton___blue said:
About time we got rid of this prat imo, he can pack his bags with manuel. Spunked away over 60 mil last summer on shite ( I know there was ffp to contend with but ffs, we could of done tonnes better with the money we had and the options we had) give someone else a go IMO.

Without substantiation, that post is pathetic.

Who should we have bought then, that was available, in our price constraints and wanted to come to City

I look forward to hear your answer.
middleton___blue said:
About time we got rid of this prat imo, he can pack his bags with manuel. Spunked away over 60 mil last summer on shite ( I know there was ffp to contend with but ffs, we could of done tonnes better with the money we had and the options we had) give someone else a go IMO.


I'll agree if he signs Wilshere though :)
Mister Appointment said:
flb said:
If you think Txiki will be here for more than another two seasons then fair enough, if Barca really after him back as there DoF then it's only a matter of time .

You're excellent at shifting goal posts. I'm sure that it's only a matter of time before everyone from Pellegrini to Txiki, to Aguero, leaves. Football is fluid like that. However the point which I'm hoping has permeated the walls of your skull is that with the owners we have we have literally nothing to worry about.

Mark Hughes spent 200 plus million pounds on players who for the most part turned out to be useless. Yet we survived and still went on to win two titles in three years.

you have posted some shit on this forum over the years but this is particually poor, even by your mudane level.

absolute tosh.
Dont think him and Soriano are doing enough in there roles to support Manuel , there signings have been shite and unless they can attract some Alist talent in the summer they should be fooked off
mosssideblue said:
middleton___blue said:
About time we got rid of this prat imo, he can pack his bags with manuel. Spunked away over 60 mil last summer on shite ( I know there was ffp to contend with but ffs, we could of done tonnes better with the money we had and the options we had) give someone else a go IMO.

Without substantiation, that post is pathetic.

Who should we have bought then, that was available, in our price constraints and wanted to come to City

I look forward to hear your answer.
It's not about who we could of brought it, its how much for...32 mil for mangala alone, wayyy overpriced not matter how much he is improving now Fernando, caballero about another 20 mil on top. I realise ffp didn't help but spending all that money on players along with the other few, that haven't exactly shone through and made a strong impact too the team have they?
kalouk said:
middleton___blue said:
About time we got rid of this prat imo, he can pack his bags with manuel. Spunked away over 60 mil last summer on shite ( I know there was ffp to contend with but ffs, we could of done tonnes better with the money we had and the options we had) give someone else a go IMO.

This is easy to say from the outside looking in but unless you know exactly what he was dealing with then it's misplaced to call him a prat. We don't know the intricacies of his job, maybe the other options you mention wanted something that he we were not in a position to offer at that time due to restrictions. I believe he can only really be judged when working without these restrictions.

There's a good argument that the best time to judge is when there are restrictions ...that's when real skill is needed. IMO we have failed totally in the transfer market for a couple of seasons and the restriction of ffp is a poor excuse
If he couldn't land the players he wanted then he shouldn't have bought anyone at all. That's not an excuse for me. I'm sure most of the real fans on here can remember going to the local market to buy something, if the value wasn't there you'd go home and try again the following week you wouldn't just but for the sake of it.
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