Discussion: Txiki Begiristain (2014/15)

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de niro said:
mosssideblue said:
de niro said:
he has wasted the little money we did have to spend. nobody can deny that. bony i like but pellers doesn't. did they even have a conflab on him prior to signing?

Lets see the source of your claim that Pellers doesn't like Bony.

Again, where have we wasted money?

why else would the manager pick a faltering edin once a motivated bony arrived at the club. edin, and i love him, has been dogshit this season. every man and his dog knows that.

we have wasted money on sagna, shame cos i thought he would have done a job. fernando for the money was a big risk, well when you only have so much money you dont do risks.
mangala i think will come good, he ticks all the boxes, the problem is he isn't premiership ready. the same was levelled quite rightly at nastasic only he didn't cost 30 odd million.
by all means ship out garcia, barry, lescott and nasty but you replace them with better players ffs, we haven't done that.
in time all our buys could come good but we dont have time, this is the premier league and we are defending our title, something every one wants to take off us. it would have been better to keep the squad we had and just add one top notch player, spend the same amount by all means but spend it on one player, a player that would add to our squad not weaken it. i thought we'd learn from the shambles of the previous summer when we bought rodwell and co but in true city style we did even worse.

I agree Edin has been poor, but that doesn't mean Pellers doesn't like Bony (does it). Bony as we know is now injured. He may have been carrying a knock and Pellers would rather have a fully fit player over risking agrevating an injury (maybe).

Sagna was on a free so not sure of your argument there.

Fernando was scouted for over a year and so the professionals saw something we haven't, His cost was around £12 m if irc.

Mangala needs game time, but I expect him to thrive.

Its just opinions on whether we have improved on those we shipped out but IMO

Lescott had little pace and even less ability with the ball at his feet
Garcia was starting to show promise but wasn't the quickest
Nasty could not come to terms with our high line way of playing and unable to track back at pace.

All in all, I think we have bought wisely
Knew these 2 were trouble from the off. Why? Because they are sly fuckers, that's why. Started with the unsanctioned sale of Balotelli, that completely undermined Mancini.

A deliberate press titbit on the eve of the 2013 Cup Final cost us a trophy (probably the folowing Community Shield too) and ultimately led to Mancini's departure.

The transfer dealings have been a fucking disaster and to be quite honest, they have done nothing positive that wouldn't have occurred anyway. We failed FFP despite assurances we'd pass and on the whole, since they have arrived, they have managed to slow down, change and almost anchor what was a momentum laiden super tanker heading in the right direction into a rusting hulk sat clueless in still water, whilst our competitors have sailed away.

I stood at Wembley during that 2013 whilst Abide with Me was played, holding a Banner that said 'Spanish Duo Go Home, Mancini Must Stay' and time has proved me right.

God I hate that sly horrible pair of useless twats.
spanishblue said:
I know its the Mirror but I think they are pointing in the right direction

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/manchester-city-boss-manuel-pellegrinis-5502632" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/ ... is-5502632</a>

He highlighted three important points.

A recent survey of the starting line-ups of top European clubs showed that City’s most-used first XI had shown just TWO changes when comparing 2011 and 2015. In that time, £327million has been spent on players – most of it on Soriano and Begiristain’s watch.
Lampard has started just four Premier League games, and the brutal truth is that his place on the payroll is a sad reflection of City’s apparent mistrust of younger players. And it must have been signed off by Soriano and Begiristain.
In the litany of dubious City signings, Sagna’s rarely gets a mention because it was a free transfer – if you can call a ­£120,000-a-week deal “free”. But it is an emblem of a ­recruitment policy that has lacked logic, cohesion and long-term thought. And that is not Manuel Pellegrini’s fault.
SuperBlu said:
He highlighted three important points.

A recent survey of the starting line-ups of top European clubs showed that City’s most-used first XI had shown just TWO changes when comparing 2011 and 2015. In that time, £327million has been spent on players – most of it on Soriano and Begiristain’s watch.

£327m has been spent since the summer of 2011. Clichy, Aguero, Nasri, Mangala/Demi, Fernandinho/Fernando, Navas have come into the side since then.

Those claims (by mark Ogden IIRC) compared the changes in our starting XI since summer 2012, but used our spending since summer 2011.

The last two seasons that Txiki has been at the club accounts for less than half of that £327m.

Lampard has started just four Premier League games, and the brutal truth is that his place on the payroll is a sad reflection of City’s apparent mistrust of younger players. And it must have been signed off by Soriano and Begiristain.

Lampard has been a good signing.

In the litany of dubious City signings, Sagna’s rarely gets a mention because it was a free transfer – if you can call a ­£120,000-a-week deal “free”. But it is an emblem of a ­recruitment policy that has lacked logic, cohesion and long-term thought. And that is not Manuel Pellegrini’s fault.

We needed a backup that was fit to play regularly. Sagna gives us that. Not sure what the problem is here.
MaineRoadBlue said:
Knew these 2 were trouble from the off. Why? Because they are sly fuckers, that's why. Started with the unsanctioned sale of Balotelli, that completely undermined Mancini.

A deliberate press titbit on the eve of the 2013 Cup Final cost us a trophy (probably the folowing Community Shield too) and ultimately led to Mancini's departure.

The transfer dealings have been a fucking disaster and to be quite honest, they have done nothing positive that wouldn't have occurred anyway. We failed FFP despite assurances we'd pass and on the whole, since they have arrived, they have managed to slow down, change and almost anchor what was a momentum laiden super tanker heading in the right direction into a rusting hulk sat clueless in still water, whilst our competitors have sailed away.

I stood at Wembley during that 2013 whilst Abide with Me was played, holding a Banner that said 'Spanish Duo Go Home, Mancini Must Stay' and time has proved me right.

God I hate that sly horrible pair of useless twats.

To you, maybe to others not so.

Would you like to explain who and why they have been disastrous
mosssideblue said:
MaineRoadBlue said:
Knew these 2 were trouble from the off. Why? Because they are sly fuckers, that's why. Started with the unsanctioned sale of Balotelli, that completely undermined Mancini.

A deliberate press titbit on the eve of the 2013 Cup Final cost us a trophy (probably the folowing Community Shield too) and ultimately led to Mancini's departure.

The transfer dealings have been a fucking disaster and to be quite honest, they have done nothing positive that wouldn't have occurred anyway. We failed FFP despite assurances we'd pass and on the whole, since they have arrived, they have managed to slow down, change and almost anchor what was a momentum laiden super tanker heading in the right direction into a rusting hulk sat clueless in still water, whilst our competitors have sailed away.

I stood at Wembley during that 2013 whilst Abide with Me was played, holding a Banner that said 'Spanish Duo Go Home, Mancini Must Stay' and time has proved me right.

God I hate that sly horrible pair of useless twats.

To you, maybe to others not so.

Would you like to explain who and why they have been disastrous

If you need me to explain that to you then your incapable of understanding anyway so I won't waste my time!

Folks, Did he seriously ask that question?
MaineRoadBlue said:
Knew these 2 were trouble from the off. Why? Because they are sly fuckers, that's why. Started with the unsanctioned sale of Balotelli, that completely undermined Mancini.

A deliberate press titbit on the eve of the 2013 Cup Final cost us a trophy (probably the folowing Community Shield too) and ultimately led to Mancini's departure.

The transfer dealings have been a fucking disaster and to be quite honest, they have done nothing positive that wouldn't have occurred anyway. We failed FFP despite assurances we'd pass and on the whole, since they have arrived, they have managed to slow down, change and almost anchor what was a momentum laiden super tanker heading in the right direction into a rusting hulk sat clueless in still water, whilst our competitors have sailed away.

I stood at Wembley during that 2013 whilst Abide with Me was played, holding a Banner that said 'Spanish Duo Go Home, Mancini Must Stay' and time has proved me right.

God I hate that sly horrible pair of useless twats.

So from day one youve never accepted them. Once one is struggling, your there to say I told you so. Can't stand that, I bet your enjoying watching city struggle because the two men who you didn't want are under pressure. Txikis signings last season contributed to a double, I bet you wasn't complaining then. Judge him this summer before you post shite like this.
Huge pressure on tixiki this coming summer! Am sure mansour will be taking a keen interest into how his money is spent!
MaineRoadBlue said:
mosssideblue said:
MaineRoadBlue said:
Knew these 2 were trouble from the off. Why? Because they are sly fuckers, that's why. Started with the unsanctioned sale of Balotelli, that completely undermined Mancini.

A deliberate press titbit on the eve of the 2013 Cup Final cost us a trophy (probably the folowing Community Shield too) and ultimately led to Mancini's departure.

The transfer dealings have been a fucking disaster and to be quite honest, they have done nothing positive that wouldn't have occurred anyway. We failed FFP despite assurances we'd pass and on the whole, since they have arrived, they have managed to slow down, change and almost anchor what was a momentum laiden super tanker heading in the right direction into a rusting hulk sat clueless in still water, whilst our competitors have sailed away.

I stood at Wembley during that 2013 whilst Abide with Me was played, holding a Banner that said 'Spanish Duo Go Home, Mancini Must Stay' and time has proved me right.

God I hate that sly horrible pair of useless twats.

To you, maybe to others not so.

Would you like to explain who and why they have been disastrous

If you need me to explain that to you then your incapable of understanding anyway so I won't waste my time!

Folks, Did he seriously ask that question?
your post wasn't worth shit once you lumped them both together in your opening sentence
without picking holes from the beginning, such as Balo has proved his talent since leaving, Serrano has made us the fastest growing club, in terms of revenue, in the world, and that was his job
mosssideblue said:
Wio Gumflapdinand said:
mosssideblue said:
Without substantiation, that post is pathetic.

Who should we have bought then, that was available, in our price constraints and wanted to come to City

I look forward to hear your answer.
Don't be stupid asking posters to name who, it's Txixi job to identify who and he's clearly not doing a good job. I'd like to see your answer on how and who you think we are getting value for money from?
The guys fucking incompetent at his job, either that our he's deliberately fucking our squad up, €60 million on reserves.
It's under his stewardship that the average age of the squad has got to where it's at by signing players past their peak, and not moving on players and replacing with adequate younger models. Yaya should have gone last summer and Dzeko too and we would have got a far better price than we will now, probably twice as much. That money along with the other he wasted could have got a one or two genuine class additions.
He's paid well enough to do his job and when he doesn't see the obvious then he shouldn't be in the bloody job

Why is it stupid. He called out we bought shite, then he is more than capabke of saying who we should have bought. As for the remainder of your post, that is eually poor. Compared to those guys I suspect you know the square root of fuck all when it comes to talent spotting. So best leave it to those who make a professional living from it dont you think.
He's doing excellent so far though isnt he? Our players have stood out like sanchez for arse and fabregas for chavs havent thet? Just wake up mate, and realise that they play a huge part of this mess.
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