Disgraceful MOTD coverage

Torres was sent off, rightly, for the same challenge as Cahill's Hansen's analysis was a disgrace just licking Moyes's arse that normally has ferguson's dick wedged in it
fcukin hell lads - you have a go at scousers about being 'victims' and all that.

Enjoy your win. Or get the candles out.

Up to you, but I'm off to bed. Gutted as we were outplayed today and never even played at all.
Just sent a complaint to the BBC..........

Tonights coverage of the Man City vs Everton game on Match of The Day was too bias towards Everton for me. Firstly the match coverage didn't show any foul play made by Everton i.e fellani's ellbows in cliches face and the constant dirty fouls on David Silva. Secondly Alan Hansen's comments were a joke he defended Tim Cahill's two footed lunge into Kompany as "much as his as Kompany's" then proceeded to slate Kompany for an apparent "stamp" on Tim Cahill. This isn't the first time City has been on the other side of an Alan Hansen bias attack normally I just brush them off but tonights viewing was appauling to say at the least and I'm very dissapointed in the BBC and Match of The Day to allow this to carry on I'd appreciate the same level of coverage as other teams in our position get, instead of this bias attack filled hatered it's unprofessional and it's making me resent the very programme I love to watch on a weekend...
Ian_CTID said:
So hanson thinks that kompany saw him coming and did it deliberate, how about he saw him coming and jumped out of the way from a tackle that could have put him out for weeks, even months? twats
Bunch of idiots
Mooncat19 said:
ultimateharold said:
quiet_riot said:
Baines, Neville and Rodwell - 3 disgusting 'challenges', not shown.

Now claiming Vince intended to stamp on Cahill.

Can't argue there.

I've watched it since. Neville never touched him..and the other two where tough challenges that got a booking.

Kompany stood on Cahill. I never thought it at the match but having watched it a few times. Defo. His fcukin expression says it all. Didnt alter the result and you deserved the win. But he did him.
You lot still dressing monkeys up in City shirts? Anyway, Cahill got stamped on and it's a shame his fucking leg wasn't broken.
Also sent a complaint in.

My main gripe is totally ignoring milners goal in the post match reaction.

This wouldn't have happened had it been rooney, cleverley, Suarez, Nani or torres who made such a mesmerising pass.
That was the most embarrassing load of old tripe match summarising I have ever seen, even by Hansens low standards, Kompany should have been sent off trying to stop his leg been broken? WTF, only mention of the goals was Marios was "lucky" nothing about the sublime skills of Silva to bisect 3 players to set up Milner. Everyone and Gollum got hat they deserved today, fuck all, let's hope they get relegated then we won't have to play their shitty small time club again!

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