Disgraceful MOTD coverage

i have not watched match of the day for a long time and saturday i remembered why, i could go on and on about those 2 scouse pricks but i will return to match of the day when someone on here informs me they have both gone. As for the comparison of Marios and Adams goals........... no i will leave it there
baldmosher said:
If anyone would like to steal it, amend slightly and repost, I won't mind that at all.

Especially as I'm not sure if I actually confirmed it to be submitted before I left the page! Doh.

EDIT: I've just resubmitted it, still no confirmation and I didn't even get a final page to confirm what I'd written, like I did last time. It just returned me to the first selection page. Very strange. I don't trust it. 10 days and they're getting a phone call

I got a full summary, like yours, with the option to print it at the bottom. That's as much confirmation as was available, I think.
Complaint sent.

I navigated away from the page though before copying and pasting - is there a way to get it back after being submitted?
And mine:

I know you sometimes edit to reflect the moans of managers, but this is lazy, especially if the other manager doesn't do the same. I'm astonished you gave credence to the moans of Moyes; if Mancini had complained at the violent tackles used to stop Silva (and Jagielka's on Balotelli) would you have shown them? As it is, you showed one of the worst Everton tackles (jump tackle from behind, both feet off the ground at one point) and Hansen supported Moyes in blaming the victim for not getting out of the way. There was little evidence to support the allegation (quickly dismissed by the FA).

More worringly for the game of football, Everton were described as "hardworking" for a game plan that in the end failed - thanks not to clever attacking but a "lucky" deflection. What else do you expect with 11 defenders in the penalty area - a situation commended by Hansen! Clear shots at goal?

The format is looking desperately tired anyway, without the bias shown.
For what it is worth here is my complaint, I dont expect anything will change and I don't even feel better for doing it !!

I am aware that a number of City fans have already complained but I decided to give the matter some thought and see if my anger abated, it has not. The match contained many deliberate, cynical fouls all but one committed by the Everton team. They received 5 yellow cards one of which was given to Neville for a foul committed off the ball. It was clear to anyone watching that Everton had been told to stop Silva playing by any means possible. This has been picked up by several newspapers and other media sources who reported it and yet MOTD did never noticed or commented on this. They did not show the other 4 tackles that warranted yellow cards, instead Hansen decided to launch an attack on Vincent Kompany for allowing himself to be fouled by Cahill. The fact that the match referee decided Cahill should be cautioned for the same 'challenge' did not seem important, Hansen decided to support Mr Moyes' vitriolic attack on Kompany without any thought or logic.
I could go on as what I perceive is bias in relation to that match and others, especially by Hansen but you will just deny it so I will merely say that your 3 experts are meant to provide honest unbiased opinion. Linekar failed to provide an opposing view to Hansen as did Lawrenson so does that mean they agree with him ? If so I am amazed that all 3 hold a view contary to most of the country.
Why did none of the pundits mention that Everton started the match without a recognised striker ?
Why did they not comment on the negative tactics of Everton?
Why did they not comment on Howards time wasting?
Why was there not one word of praise for 2 excellently crafted goals that if scored by certain other teams would have been replayed 10 times or more, ? (instead the first was described as a lucky deflection !)
Shame on you MOTD, your once high standards have for some time been lower than a Zimbabwian political TV deabte but on Saturday night it was akin to something that Gaddaffi would have put out a few months back.
I have asked for a reply from you but I am not expecting anything but the party line, we shall see.
MotD not biased - official!

Reply from BBC compaints:

Thank you for contacting us.

There was no bias against Manchester City in our coverage on the 24 September edition of Match of the Day and we’re sorry if you disagree.

There was an incident in which the referee felt that Tim Cahill had fouled Vincent Kompany - who saw it once from a certain angle. Cahill was injured, but received a yellow card. David Moyes disagreed with this assessment, and on viewing the incident with the benefit of slow-motion footage from various angles, the honest assessment of our ex-professional panellists was that Kompany was more sinning than sinned against.

We always call the game as we see it and we acknowledge that not all fans will agree on this.

We’d like to assure you we've registered your complaint on our audience log. This is an internal report of audience feedback which we compile daily and is available for viewing by all our staff. This includes all programme makers and presenters, along with our senior management. It ensures that your points, along with all other comments we receive, are circulated and considered across the BBC.

Thanks again for taking the time to contact us.

An "honest assessment" that wasn't shared by the FA... Nowt about not showing all the other YCs.
Re: MotD not biassed - official!

I got the same generic response, I've asked for a call back from a complaints manager.
Re: MotD not biassed - official!

they surely lack contact with reality. I couldnt be so far off, even if i tried.

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