Disgraceful MOTD coverage

Complaint type: Television
Location: England
Channel: BBC One HD
Programme title: Match of the Day
Transmission date: 24/09/2011
Complaint category: Standards of Interviewing/Presenting
Complaint summary: Biased coverage and analysis from Alan Hansen
Full complaint:

Dear BBC Complaints,

Alan Hansen's analysis of Manchester City vs Everton on Saturday's Match of the Day programme was biased and he has a personal vendetta against certain players and teams.

The MotD coverage of the match highlights (which, I assume, were chosen by Mr Hansen) failed to document poor, late tackles on David Silva by Jack Rodwell and Phil Neville. The BBC online match report mentioned both incidents, in the context of Everton's brutal approach to nullifying City's most inventive player. No mention of this at all from Mr Hansen.

MotD did show the awful tackle by Tim Cahill on Vincent Kompany, but Mr Hansen, rather than criticising the stupidity of Cahill's tackle, insisted that Kompany had deliberately injured Cahill in the process of being two-foot-tackled from behind without looking. I can only assume that everyone else watching the replay was unable to see what Mr Hansen was describing. Mark Lawrenson kept out of it and I don't blame him. Mr Lineker had no opinion about anything, as usual. It's one thing to offer an opinion, but it's another to deliberately ignore two premeditated assaults that everyone could see, and then openly accuse someone else of a premeditated assault, especially when you're the only person in the studio who could see it.

Someone who is paid a significant salary from the BBC licence fee should be completely impartial, or at least openly state their allegiances, at all times. Mr Hansen does it surreptitiously and with authority, and that approach will lead people to believe things that are simply not true.

I've been watching Gary Lineker joking about Mr Hansen's reluctance to provide analysis of certain matches this season, and I did put that down to good-humoured jibes, but now I'm starting to understand that Mr Hansen has a personal vendetta against certain teams, or perhaps certain players, and Match of the Day appears to be protecting some teams from his more ridiculous outbursts. As a result, I must call into question his suitability as a BBC pundit.

I can accept a certain level of incompetence and mistakes from pundits, even though Mr Hansen has spent the last two years claiming that he didn't understand the offside rule despite it repeatedly being explained to him. What is the point of employing someone as a football expert who doesn't even understand the laws of the game?

I can accept a certain level of sentimentality from pundits, and all the MotD pundits are openly lifelong fans of certain teams. Indeed, Robbie Savage on MotD 2 on Sunday mentioned his feelings for Blackburn Rovers, but his opinion of the match was objective. Biased reporting is totally unnecessary, and certainly not in keeping with the BBC's supposed objectivity.

Mr Hansen's contract should not be renewed, but I would not go so far as to call for him to be immediately sacked, despite him calling into question Mr Kompany's excellent character in such a spiteful, biased and unnecessary manner. The fact that Manchester City have not commented shows how little credence they give to Mr Hansen's claims.

havelocke said:
waspish said:
Andy Gray on talkshite said Kompany did him in his opinion and he thinks the fa will look at it

Now, Andy Gray will be the first to admit that IF the ref saw and dealt with the
incident on the pitch, the FA cannot look at it. As the ref booked Cahill for the
challenge he can't really turn round and say he didn't see it, can he? ;-)

The FA will do nothing, imho.


Havin said that, the fa do tend to make the rules up as they go along ;-)
So, who knows....

The FA re-wrote their rulebook so they could ban Adebayor. But at least we have a blue in charge there now
BTH said:
I can choose not to give Sky/Murdoch a penny piece, but not paying my licence fee would probably put me in Strangeways.
Will it bollocks, it's a piece of piss to avoid paying the licence fee for ages, just tell em you don't have a TV. Worst case scenario, after a year or more, they turn up with a warrant to search your premises, and if they happen to see a TV in your house AND it's plugged into the wall aerial or a Sky box, they have to ask you one last time to pay your TV licence. If you refuse then, yeah, you'll probably end up in Strangeways, but you'd have to be a complete idiot to insist on a £1000 fine and a prison threat instead of paying £120.<br /><br />-- Mon Sep 26, 2011 4:08 pm --<br /><br />
LoveCity said:
Disgraceful. Those thinking the "agenda" is over need only watch that. Notice how they edited out all of Everton's hatchet job attacks on Silva among other things.
BBC website report was much fairer, and did point out that Everton were taking it in turns to man-mark Silva until they got a booking from lumping him, then they'd swap. They didn't mention that it was Yaya's late thundering tackle on Coleman that shit em up a bit, they stopped being so eager to kick us after that, as they then couldn't claim Webb was being unfair. Funny how one of their players getting injured after another pointless, dangerous, lunging tackle from behind was somehow unfair in the eyes of Moyes. It's funny how Pulis thinks that fully swinging your leg through an opponent's shin is "hard but fair", but this from Moyes is just fucking hilarious!

I bet Hansen thought Keane's cruciate injury was Haaland's fault. That dirty Norwegian bastard really had it in for him when he kneed Keane in the studs a few years later.

IIRC he thought Adebayor deliberately tried to blind van Persie in the 0.1seconds it took him to fly through Adebayor's legs in another two-footed challenge.

Meanwhile, in other news, Torres gets sent off, but that's OK, because Liverpool sold him.
I don't even see the point in the analysis on MOTD. They say what they want without ever being challenged. You never hear one of the other muppets say "actually I don't agree with you there". I hear more reasoned debate down the pub between the resident rag piss heads.

Gary Lineker is the worst of the lot for me though. He offers nothing and sounds a twat when asking questions he should really have his own opinion on. He's got the cushiest job in the country!!
Prestwich_Blue said:
The Pink Panther said:
The FA re-wrote their rulebook so they could ban Adebayor.
To be strictly correct, Clattenburg re-wrote his report so the FA didn't have to re-write their rule book.
Clattenburg simpy lied through his teeth.
But they definitely broke their own rule book over Ben Thatcher's assault on Mendes that time.
City actually took the lead on that occasion. Would we do the same now, with much more at stake?
baldmosher said:
Complaint type: Television
Location: England
Channel: BBC One HD
Programme title: Match of the Day
Transmission date: 24/09/2011
Complaint category: Standards of Interviewing/Presenting
Complaint summary: Biased coverage and analysis from Alan Hansen
Full complaint:

Dear BBC Complaints,

Alan Hansen's analysis of Manchester City vs Everton on Saturday's Match of the Day programme was biased and he has a personal vendetta against certain players and teams.

The MotD coverage of the match highlights (which, I assume, were chosen by Mr Hansen) failed to document poor, late tackles on David Silva by Jack Rodwell and Phil Neville. The BBC online match report mentioned both incidents, in the context of Everton's brutal approach to nullifying City's most inventive player. No mention of this at all from Mr Hansen.

MotD did show the awful tackle by Tim Cahill on Vincent Kompany, but Mr Hansen, rather than criticising the stupidity of Cahill's tackle, insisted that Kompany had deliberately injured Cahill in the process of being two-foot-tackled from behind without looking. I can only assume that everyone else watching the replay was unable to see what Mr Hansen was describing. Mark Lawrenson kept out of it and I don't blame him. Mr Lineker had no opinion about anything, as usual. It's one thing to offer an opinion, but it's another to deliberately ignore two premeditated assaults that everyone could see, and then openly accuse someone else of a premeditated assault, especially when you're the only person in the studio who could see it.

Someone who is paid a significant salary from the BBC licence fee should be completely impartial, or at least openly state their allegiances, at all times. Mr Hansen does it surreptitiously and with authority, and that approach will lead people to believe things that are simply not true.

I've been watching Gary Lineker joking about Mr Hansen's reluctance to provide analysis of certain matches this season, and I did put that down to good-humoured jibes, but now I'm starting to understand that Mr Hansen has a personal vendetta against certain teams, or perhaps certain players, and Match of the Day appears to be protecting some teams from his more ridiculous outbursts. As a result, I must call into question his suitability as a BBC pundit.

I can accept a certain level of incompetence and mistakes from pundits, even though Mr Hansen has spent the last two years claiming that he didn't understand the offside rule despite it repeatedly being explained to him. What is the point of employing someone as a football expert who doesn't even understand the laws of the game?

I can accept a certain level of sentimentality from pundits, and all the MotD pundits are openly lifelong fans of certain teams. Indeed, Robbie Savage on MotD 2 on Sunday mentioned his feelings for Blackburn Rovers, but his opinion of the match was objective. Biased reporting is totally unnecessary, and certainly not in keeping with the BBC's supposed objectivity.

Mr Hansen's contract should not be renewed, but I would not go so far as to call for him to be immediately sacked, despite him calling into question Mr Kompany's excellent character in such a spiteful, biased and unnecessary manner. The fact that Manchester City have not commented shows how little credence they give to Mr Hansen's claims.


Brad Pitt approves

If anyone would like to steal it, amend slightly and repost, I won't mind that at all.

Especially as I'm not sure if I actually confirmed it to be submitted before I left the page! Doh.

EDIT: I've just resubmitted it, still no confirmation and I didn't even get a final page to confirm what I'd written, like I did last time. It just returned me to the first selection page. Very strange. I don't trust it. 10 days and they're getting a phone call

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