Do our stewards only hassle Blues

Getting into 115 was worse than ever yesterday, crush at the top of the stairs because some stewards blocked it to try and check tickets. Resulted in a massive free for all and in the end them having to move out of the way and getting the rightful abuse thrown at them for it.
Getting into 115 was worse than ever yesterday, crush at the top of the stairs because some stewards blocked it to try and check tickets. Resulted in a massive free for all and in the end them having to move out of the way and getting the rightful abuse thrown at them for it.
If the club gave them instructions to check tickets they were just doing their job. They are just people like the rest of us.
Yesterday was embarrassing.
Tourists who had no idea where they were sitting.
And only interested in taking a picture with a half and half scarf.
Used to get the 12.33 from Buxton to City right through the 70’s but that’s another story….Couldn‘t go yesterday couldn‘t get a ticket even though I spent two weeks clicking on the main website.I think two came up but went within 5 seconds.Second big match that has happened to me this season.
If the club gave them instructions to check tickets they were just doing their job. They are just people like the rest of us.
blocking aisles and exits when they could quite clearly see they had formed a crush of around 50 people isn't in their job description. A heavy handed few ruined it for the rest of them that actually used their brain for a second and had moved out of the way.
As a decent segway back to stewarding I do wonder if the increase in ticket prices is partly to offset the seemingly huge growth in the number of stewards we employ.
Looking round the ground yesterday I was fucking amazed at the number of hi vis jackets on display.

Why do we have so many. Back in the day there’d be a noticeable increase in their numbers for games where trouble was brewing, fair enough. Nowadays you’re more likely to see trouble in Costa Coffee and the average patron (sorry “supporter”) wouldn’t look out of place in Harrods so it’s not to combat trouble. We know this full well because when any trouble arises these clowns are fucking nowhere and it’s left to ordinary blues to sort it out for themselves

So why ARE there huge numbers of these annoying, useless, not fit for purpose busybodies infesting every part of the ground ?
You call that decent?

I go in 116 and there were 8 of them.. you get checked 3 or 4 times.. yesterday I had shown it one and then again.. I was eating a pie so put my phone back in my pocket, then ANOTHER one wanted to see it.. I told him I’d already shown it twice and to ask his colleague.. I was getting shoved from behind so moved forward.. the cheeky so and so pushed me in the chest. If there wasn’t the risk of a ban or worse with all the cctv .. anywhere else apart from a football ground he’d have been on the feckin floor.
If the club gave them instructions to check tickets they were just doing their job. They are just people like the rest of us.

There were over 10 stewards stood in the blue box in-front of the 115 entrance and exit yesterday, and other stewards just inside the entrance and exit on the terraces. They were stopping everyone and asking them to show their season tickets on their mobiles before they were allowed into block 115. The whole 115 entrance was blocked in and out. What's happened to health and safety? It was absolutely ridiculous. If '1 person' stands on the steps in-between blocks 114 and 115 they are asked to move, yet the club tells 10 stewards to stand in-front of the 115 entrance and exit, and they block it on purpose checking tickets. Seriously, what is going on at the club? They are clamping down on everything. If it's about stopping fans from getting into 115 who shouldn't stand there, do the ticket checks further out on the concourse. At least that way there is more room and the 10 stewards who are checking tickets aren't causing a health & safety issue by completely blocking the 115 entrance and exit.
blocking aisles and exits when they could quite clearly see they had formed a crush of around 50 people isn't in their job description. A heavy handed few ruined it for the rest of them that actually used their brain for a second and had moved out of the way.
"Just doing their job" defence. When did we become so accepting of incompetence? Our head of security seems very heavy handed and excessively regnant, displayed by some unnecessary and unprovoked overreactions. Is he the ex police fella that stalks the pitch after the game as if he's on a presidential detail? Sometimes I think he's going to dig a foxhole. Over the top nonsense.
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Used to get the 12.33 from Buxton to City right through the 70’s but that’s another story….Couldn‘t go yesterday couldn‘t get a ticket even though I spent two weeks clicking on the main website.I think two came up but went within 5 seconds.Second big match that has happened to me this season.
The Club need to implement the points system next season for matchday tickets.

It is shit losing out to wanky tourists in half and half scarves. They won't be there if we are ever shit again, the club need to stop pandering to them.

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