Do the majority wish us well?

I'd rather they didn't wish us well personally for two reasons:

1 - If they do then they're not fully supporting their club because they don't believe in their own teams ability to succeed ahead of ourselves.

2 - We're not going the right way about success if this is the case. If we're successful we're hated, if we're not then they're rooting for us. I know which one I'd rather be.
i think a lot will also depend on the attitude of our own fans, we should make a concerted effort not to turn into a bunch of arrogant self obsessed dicks like them lot across town.

i hate us singing we'll buy your club and burn it down, we need to learn from the chelsea mistakes and have a bit humility, if we lose our identity for self depracation none of this will be worth it. These things go in cycles and we are due some good fortune lets enjoy it
some hate us lol

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Man City? are a laughing stock
Premier League Manchester City
by the next welsh wizard( LEDLEY DONT GO) (U13823193) 14 July 2009

Would say Cardiff City fan in peace, but no

A few questions:

1. Why are you spending rubbish money on strikers when you have about 8 already?
It looks like Hughes wint allow any out on loan either. Your strikers would have scored much more last year had you had a better midfield and defence.

2. Did you there is a credit crunch!!!!!

3. Who in their right mind would wanna go to your club?!

^^sad really
The answer to this is quite simple, we're hated by everyone. Take a look at the 606 boards, undisguised jealousy manifesting itself into hatred. It's quite pathetic. Few weeks back a false rumour did the rounds that an unamed Prem club had been taken over and the fans that criticise us the most; Everton, Villa, Spuds were suddenly hoping to be in our position. Hypocrites the lot.
Inevitably we will probably become hated. Let's face it, nobody was overly fond of Chelsea when they did the same so why should we be any different. The one factor that could sway this is us the fans. If we don't disappear up our own arses and retain a sense of humility then maybe other fans will say that we deserve our time in the sun (assuming that we actually get it!). However, I would far rather that people were hating us for achieving success than the usual attutude that other fans have had of looking at us fondly, with a mixture of pitty as City shoot themselves in the foot again.

It's also quite a mindset for us to get our heads around, having to go from being almost universally liked and respected to possibly being hated and envied.
Fuck em, fuck em all.

Not many clubs have been through the ringer like we have.

Hopefully all our talking will be done on the pitch.
Got a lot of friends that are arsenal/liverpool/chelsea/west ham/tottenham (+southampton) fans (I live down south) and they are all rooting for us, especially the West Ham fans.

Confession time.........the yids, scousers and gooners hate us!
I couldnt give a flying fuck what any other fans think. Those who make positive comments now will soon change their tune when we establish ourselves in the top 4 and we will be seen by the others exactly the same way United, Arsenal, Chelsea and Liverpool are viewed now!
I think most supporters are chuffed City have some good fortune at last. Once we win somthing though, we will be hated for sure! HAPPY DAYS!!!
I'd rather be hated than pitied.

I'd rather be envied than ignored.

I'd rather talked about than forgotten.

Fuck them all. We're not 'harmless liddle ciddy' anymore, and people are beginning to realise exactly what we are becoming. I couldn't care less if we're hated. It's our time, and it's been a long time coming.


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