Do the majority wish us well?

OrigamiNinja said:
I couldnt give a flying fuck what any other fans think. Those who make positive comments now will soon change their tune when we establish ourselves in the top 4 and we will be seen by the others exactly the same way United, Arsenal, Chelsea and Liverpool are viewed now!

i dont think arsenal are hated by most fans, the worst fans are those who only see things from their own clubs point of view, i have two rags mates who are sorted unless you try to talk football with them and they are so self obsessed they make paddy crerand seem reasonable

rag fans think all reporters commentators media are against them, they never hear reason or the positive only the negative, i hope some of our fans dont start thiking this............... oh dear
I had a training course today at Stalybridge Celtic (my employers are tight-arsed gits and booked the cheapest venue they can find). Anyway, I went in a City T Shirt, not to make a point or anything but just because. There were three rags on the course for some reason and there was quite a bit of thinly disguised hostility when they saw the T shirt. I told them I was a long standing season card holder and I said I was looking forward to a great season and everything but they refused to discuss it. Not a one of them said anything in response, except to admit they were all ragtards. I could have mentioned Tevez but I didn't because you could see they were ready to lose it. There was a very long and awkward silence until one of them managed to change the subject. There was none of the laughing, mocking, head patting, lil old ciddy remarks that we've come to expect. They used to love talking about us. Not any more. It must be weird being them these days and it's all happened so fast.

Later on I heard them discussing City whilst I was next door getting a coffee in the next room. The walls were paper thin so I heard every word. The way they talk amongst themselves about us when they think no blue is listening is pretty telling. They thought we'd win the title within three seasons and one of them said it was "inevitable" and that nobody had a hope in hell of competing with us. "They make Chelsea look like paupers", one of them said, "and if they came in for Wayne Rooney, they'd get him". They also said the ST waiting list at United was a myth. They shut up when I walked back into the room and the matter was not referred to again. They know it is over.

NB , when I got home, one of my rag neighbours said he was genuinely heart broken about the Tevez thing and felt betrayed and mocked, especially because of the "Fergie, Fergie sign him up" songs that Tevez did so much to encourage. Like I give a shit.
No. Especially the ones that post on here, under whatever pretext.

Can I have a PM Pam? Please. Please. I think you're so marvellous. If you didn't post on here I don't know what I'd do! Thanks for your info, I do but live for it. Ignore the City idiots that slag you off Pam. I love you. I'm real City me. Can I have a PM. Cheers Pam. I have chalk drawings on my ceiling of you Pam. I play pocket billiards to visions of you. Can I have a PM please Pam? Them other City fans....tossers, tossers, the lot of them, can I have a PM (wink, wink, cos I'm fooling nobody ha!)? I only come on BM for you. I hate them City fans who don't kiss your arse. They don't love you. I'm 100% City me. I'll do anything so long as you post and make me feel big.
hilts said:
i think a lot will also depend on the attitude of our own fans, we should make a concerted effort not to turn into a bunch of arrogant self obsessed dicks like them lot across town.

i hate us singing we'll buy your club and burn it down, we need to learn from the chelsea mistakes and have a bit humility, if we lose our identity for self depracation none of this will be worth it. These things go in cycles and we are due some good fortune lets enjoy it

^^^^ this.

what i realised is taht all the hatred thrown at us is cheering us to become arrogant too. there are two ways to win bragging rights. 1) the rags' way. 2) the way i believe intended by the sheikh.

this is afterall an investment for him. and the more we are liked by the global community the more benefit he reaps perhaps financially and in respect as a holder of a friendly franchise.

i dont give a ratsass about the scousers, rags and everything in between, but lets not make us become the minority. let us make them the minority. sad monkeys. that would be the last nail in the coffin.
Brucie Bonus said:
No. Especially the ones that post on here, under whatever pretext.

Can I have a PM Pam? Please. Please. I think you're so marvellous. If you didn't post on here I don't know what I'd do! Thanks for your info, I do but live for it. Ignore the City idiots that slag you off Pam. I love you. I'm real City me. Can I have a PM. Cheers Pam. I have chalk drawings on my ceiling of you Pam. I play pocket billiards to visions of you. Can I have a PM please Pam? Them other City fans....tossers, tossers, the lot of them, can I have a PM (wink, wink, cos I'm fooling nobody ha!)? I only come on BM for you. I hate them City fans who don't kiss your arse. They don't love you. I'm 100% City me. I'll do anything so long as you post and make me feel big.
funny though ;]
The most telling thing for me is that my best mate, a season ticket holder at the swamp, has said nothing, not a thing for the last few weeks. Now up to & including us getting RSC he was still taking the usual swipes at us "Went for Kaka & ended up with RSC", the expected stuff. Then when the Rags got Owen, a player that when rumoured to have made that gentlemen's agreement in January to be coming to us after the season ended, he said nothing, this was the same bloke that was ripping the piss out of us when that 'fake' story broke. When they got Owen I asked him why he hadn't mentioned it yet & he said that he thought he'd do a good job for them, I reminded him about how he took the piss when he was supposed to be coming to us & since then football has been off the agenda when it comes to our daily chats or emails. It's fuckin hilarious to be honest, his silence is worth a 1,000 words.

Oddly enough all my Rag mates in work (I work in Swinton so there's a fair few) have all stopped talking about football to me too, strange that isn't it?

Another mate of both of us is a Newcastle fan, lives in Dover but has inherited the love of his club the old skool way, his Dad was a fan so he is, as it's meant to be. Anyway he has nothing but good things to say about us & wants us to take the Prem by storm & if you think we hate the Rag's you should hear the Geordies talk about them!!

stony said:
No do they fuck, most people have gone from mocking us to sneering at us and now we are getting the hate.

Fuck em. I can't wait until the season starts and we start to shut the ***** up.

like Gandhi said...." First they will laugh at you, then they will ignore you, then they will Fight you - and then you will win"

or something
Brucie Bonus said:
No. Especially the ones that post on here, under whatever pretext.

Can I have a PM Pam? Please. Please. I think you're so marvellous. If you didn't post on here I don't know what I'd do! Thanks for your info, I do but live for it. Ignore the City idiots that slag you off Pam. I love you. I'm real City me. Can I have a PM. Cheers Pam. I have chalk drawings on my ceiling of you Pam. I play pocket billiards to visions of you. Can I have a PM please Pam? Them other City fans....tossers, tossers, the lot of them, can I have a PM (wink, wink, cos I'm fooling nobody ha!)? I only come on BM for you. I hate them City fans who don't kiss your arse. They don't love you. I'm 100% City me. I'll do anything so long as you post and make me feel big.

I think the location says it all.
terry_phealens_mum said:
stony said:
No do they fuck, most people have gone from mocking us to sneering at us and now we are getting the hate.

Fuck em. I can't wait until the season starts and we start to shut the ***** up.

like Gandhi said...." First they will laugh at you, then they will ignore you, then they will Fight you - and then you will win"

or something
always thought that was robbie williams?;]

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