Do you believe in hitting kids?

i was cracked from pillar to post as a kid, im alright!

but in no way would i be the same if i had kids, but i do think sometimes telling them off can only do so much
At least the school took action. That video shows how low humans can go without physical violence.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 8&school=7</a>

District Statement Regarding YouTube Video
This morning we were made aware of a troubling video that was posted to YouTube depicting students ridiculing a bus monitor. We were able to confirm that the woman in the video is a Greece Central School District employee. We immediately activated our district bullying and violence prevention response team to investigate and contacted the Greece Police Department to conduct their own investigation.
We have discovered other similar videos on YouTube and are working to identify all of the students involved. Links to the YouTube posts were also forwarded to members of the media, some of whom have reported inaccurate and concerning information including names and addresses of students alleged to be involved in the incidents. The bus involved in this incident was carrying middle school students – all of whom are juveniles. Although their behavior was inexcusable, we also have concern for the safety of all involved. We urge patience to allow us to investigate and determine the appropriate discipline.
Currently, our district security staff and Greece Police are interviewing all of those involved. The Greece Police Department has assigned an investigator to partner with us. The Greece Central School District is committed to providing students and staff with a safe environment that respects the dignity of all. We do not tolerate harassment of staff or students.
While we cannot comment on specific student discipline, we can say that students found to be involved will face strong disciplinary action. We will continue our ongoing bullying prevention and awareness training to ensure that incidents like this do not occur in the future. Specifically, the Greece Central School District has recently adopted the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, a systemic approach involving all community stakeholders to reduce bullying and other anti-social behaviors.
The Greece Central School District has a clear Code of Conduct and all staff and students have been fully trained. This behavior is a clear violation and will not be tolerated. The district will also ensure that reporting procedures are reviewed and response procedures are systemically in place.
bluespana said:
At least the school took action. That video shows how low humans can go without physical violence.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 8&school=7</a>

District Statement Regarding YouTube Video
This morning we were made aware of a troubling video that was posted to YouTube depicting students ridiculing a bus monitor. We were able to confirm that the woman in the video is a Greece Central School District employee. We immediately activated our district bullying and violence prevention response team to investigate and contacted the Greece Police Department to conduct their own investigation.
We have discovered other similar videos on YouTube and are working to identify all of the students involved. Links to the YouTube posts were also forwarded to members of the media, some of whom have reported inaccurate and concerning information including names and addresses of students alleged to be involved in the incidents. The bus involved in this incident was carrying middle school students – all of whom are juveniles. Although their behavior was inexcusable, we also have concern for the safety of all involved. We urge patience to allow us to investigate and determine the appropriate discipline.
Currently, our district security staff and Greece Police are interviewing all of those involved. The Greece Police Department has assigned an investigator to partner with us. The Greece Central School District is committed to providing students and staff with a safe environment that respects the dignity of all. We do not tolerate harassment of staff or students.
While we cannot comment on specific student discipline, we can say that students found to be involved will face strong disciplinary action. We will continue our ongoing bullying prevention and awareness training to ensure that incidents like this do not occur in the future. Specifically, the Greece Central School District has recently adopted the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, a systemic approach involving all community stakeholders to reduce bullying and other anti-social behaviors.
The Greece Central School District has a clear Code of Conduct and all staff and students have been fully trained. This behavior is a clear violation and will not be tolerated. The district will also ensure that reporting procedures are reviewed and response procedures are systemically in place.

Thank fuck for that, seems like hardly anyone has replied to this video - its sick, bunch of fucking cunts
I believe in hitting little twats like that. The problem is that kids know they are untouchable in the eyes of the law and that they're parents will back them up. If my lads treated someone like that, I'd leather them and then march them round to apologise. I've never had to hit my kids because they shit themselves whenever I raise my voice. I have a laugh with them and am quite liberal with them but I think they need to know where the line is.
Sounds terrible when you out it like "hitting kids". Do kids deserve to be spanked sometimes. Then yes I have no issue with that as long as it is not abuse.
Skashion said:
Respect needs to be beat back into kids. It's the only way they learn. Your kid is so fucking thick it can't do basic maths, fucking beat it and it'll know them in no time at all.

I don't think that enough data is available on the effects of twatting the intraparietal sulcus for improved performance. So, being as i struggle with mathematics i am going to simulate violence to the brain and see if i can remember my seven times table better after running head first into a wall, i shall publish the results of this experiment at a later date.

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