Do you believe in hitting kids?

totallywired said:
Only if they are wearing un***d shirts.

For once we agree.

On a serious note, no. When it comes to raising kids, the character of the parent or guardian is what counts, physicality shouldn't be needed. It's the same with teachers, they need to be stern, not physical. The problem regarding teachers is that while some (in some cases, a lot of) students can be total shits, often teachers can show varying levels of bias for and against students, and you know some teachers wouldn't hesitate to cane the shit out of some and banter along with others.
Skashion said:
talkativesprout said:
I don't think that enough data is available on the effects of twatting the intraparietal sulcus for improved performance. So, being as i struggle with mathematics i am going to simulate violence to the brain and see if i can remember my seven times table better after running head first into a wall, i shall publish the results of this experiment at a later date.
Obviously your parents didn't beat you right as a child. If you're trying to beat brains into someone you don't beat their head.

Where would you suggest beating for improved performance? I am guessing that you are going to say the bottom region, I'm a bit reticent at repeated spanking of minors bottoms could be a sign of Nonceaphilia.
This video makes me angry but more sad than anything, the way they keep going at her like she is not a Hunan without feelings is simply crazy. Btw she is now getting donations which are over $200k dollars.
fawada28 said:
This video makes me angry but more sad than anything, the way they keep going at her like she is not a Hunan without feelings is simply crazy. Btw she is now getting donations which are over $200k dollars.

brilliant news for her. i did wonder how she could just sit there through that - surely you would move away (not that she has to) or just freak out and fucking bite one of those cunts in the face
If its needed, a slap on the back of the legs or backside is fine and it stays just that, a slap.

If it's not needed, a slap on the back of the legs or backside isn't fine and that is when it becomes 'hitting'.

In truth though i think you need to actually be a parent to comment.
Just realised my post comes across as a touch liberal. My point was regarding the upbringing of kids, so in the case of these toerags, the parents were either a fucking joke or the impact of the negatives in society was too great. Vulgar story tbh.
I absolutely NEVER believe in hitting children. It only encourages them to believe that the only way to solve a problem is to resort to violence.

My dad used to smack us whenever we did anything wrong when we were children and we were terrified of him. As me and my sister became teenagers and started to rebel a bit, like having boyfriends, back chatting, coming home late or drinking/smoking, my Dad would hit the roof and it once ended in him dragging me upstairs by my hair, me aged 14, and punching me in the face. This led to my parents divorcing but as a child he was also hit regularly by his parents sometimes severely, as punishment. It's a cycle, there are better ways to deal with children than to lash out and hit them.
I can't believe I watched all that. I was honestly expecting her to get up and mash that little fucker with a straight right. My Mum would have chinned the lot of them.
citykev28 said:
I believe in hitting little twats like that. The problem is that kids know they are untouchable in the eyes of the law and that they're parents will back them up. If my lads treated someone like that, I'd leather them and then march them round to apologise. I've never had to hit my kids because they shit themselves whenever I raise my voice. I have a laugh with them and am quite liberal with them but I think they need to know where the line is.

If 20 years ago my two lads had been involved in anything like that I would have knocked them into the middle of next week. It's disgusting that video. I used to hit my kids after they had received warning after warning. Someone has to instill some discipline normally dad on returning home from work.

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