Do you believe in hitting kids?

talkativesprout said:
I don't think that enough data is available on the effects of twatting the intraparietal sulcus for improved performance. So, being as i struggle with mathematics i am going to simulate violence to the brain and see if i can remember my seven times table better after running head first into a wall, i shall publish the results of this experiment at a later date.
Obviously your parents didn't beat you right as a child. If you're trying to beat brains into someone you don't beat their head.
The Flash said:
I was against hitting kids, however my view has changed in light of didactic's antics on the 'Drink problem' thread....

Didactic doesn't make me question my views on hitting children,as he thinks it is a good idea,and he is always wrong.
Didactic's very existence does,however,make me question my stance on abortion.

I'm now confused, I'm pro hitting but if he is pro hitting, I'm now unsure of my position
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
The Flash said:
I was against hitting kids, however my view has changed in light of didactic's antics on the 'Drink problem' thread....

Didactic doesn't make me question my views on hitting children,as he thinks it is a good idea,and he is always wrong.
Didactic's very existence does,however,make me question my stance on abortion.

I was alluding to the fact that his childish behaviour makes me want to slap him.<br /><br />-- Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:43 pm --<br /><br />
citykev28 said:
The Flash said:
I was against hitting kids, however my view has changed in light of didactic's antics on the 'Drink problem' thread....

it's took you this long?

I know, I know. Sorry Kev, sorry Bluemoon.
The Flash said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
The Flash said:
I was against hitting kids, however my view has changed in light of didactic's antics on the 'Drink problem' thread....

Didactic doesn't make me question my views on hitting children,as he thinks it is a good idea,and he is always wrong.
Didactic's very existence does,however,make me question my stance on abortion.

I was alluding to the fact that his childish behaviour makes me want to slap him.

I know mate.
I was alluding to the fact that in his case an early termination would have saved you the trouble.
Negative reinforcement (smacking) is almost universal in nature, most animals will disipline their young, it teaches disipline and respect.

I got spanked as a kid and well needed it. It teaches you a lesson that no amount of stern words ever will. There should be more of it.

That said,.... any twat who goes overboard with a kid, hitting, punching, closed fist or hitting around the head are sub-normal wankers.

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