Do you eat the crusts?

It usually goes in the bin, but mainly because I live alone and by the time I get to the crusts, they've gone a bit shit. I might sometimes toast them. They go alright with spaghetti hoops, or dipped into soup, but never as a sandwich.
I bake my own bread and it is the very best of the best bread. Usually the crust never gets as far as the bread bin; especially if it is still warm.
My favourite part of a warburtons white loaf is the crusts. In fact ive just literally rooted to the bottom of a new loaf to get the crust to go with the top one for lurpak and peanut butter on toasted crust
I have seen ads I think from Warburtons and Philadelphia I think urging people to eat the "end pieces" or crusts on the end of the loaf - make a fancy panini sarnie out of it sort of thing. Question do you or have you ever eaten the end crusts? Must admit I don't - its literally for the birds as far as I am concerned ( I like to feed our feathered friends a bit of bread ) - might be because I only recall the crusts being eaten by my Dad at time when we were very skint when I was a young kid and we couldn't afford to throw them away.
A pedant would correct your use of "a panini". You can't have the indefinite article applied to a plural noun. "Panini" is plural.
You can have "a paninio" or several panini. Go to Italy and ask for a panini and you'll get more than you bargained for.

Fortunately, I am not a pedant.
We used to fight over the crusts when i was young.

Yet my kids don't really like the crust around the bread slice. If i'm not in my wife cuts it off for them.

Where did i go so wrong with my kids??? :p

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