Do you still want Tevez at the club?

Pigeonho said:
If he apologises then yes, but as it stands he can fuck right off.

If he comes out and says it was Kia's doing and he was badly advised and that he is no longer represented by Kia and that he is truly sorry and wants to take us to the top of the game then yes.

If not I sincerely hope the club keep him for the 3 1/2 years he has left on his contract and ruin him
Not to bothered either way, if he stays and continues to play like he does all will soon be forgotten if he goes and we get what we want for him and a decent replacement all will be forgotten again, one thing is for sure we fans and our great club are going nowhere apart from upwards so it's up to tevez either way we will continue on the path we are on
Wouldnt mind him staying... but what I don't fucking want is posters, banners, facebook groups wanting him desperately to stay. Its cringe worthy stuff and thats why we take the piss out of the rags with "Fergie, sign him up"...
The guy have just stabbed, US, the club, and his team mates in the back. and you guys still want him to take a place in our team? infront of players who are willing to fight their arse off for us to win.

When did winning a game become more important than moral?

the players, the WORLD will think we cannot win without him! the one man team called City

The relationship with the fans is finished as far as I'm concerned. He has been very badly advised and things will never be the same again. In an era where people are losing their jobs, taking huge pay cuts and worrying like feck over Christmas, well he is taking the fecking piss really.
If he is missing his kids that much why is he on a break in Tenerife rather than BA.
yes! tevez has been disrespectful to our club and handeled this situation poorly, but lets not kid ourselves that whoever we get to replace him are going to play for the love of the club and not the huge wages we are going to pay them

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