Do you support the RMT?

That's not what I'm saying. There's a "going rate" for all jobs. Some are too low, some about right, some extortionate(see Premier league wage bills lol ). Supply and demand is also a massive factor. I worked in a safety critical industry. It required 3+ years training and had a failure rate of around 80% during the training process. Add to that it was a 24/7 job and that meant we were able to command a pretty good salary together with good leave, sick pay, pension etc. Who paid for all of that-the travelling public via the airline's ticket prices. None of this stopped us getting fairly consistent pay rises, sometimes without much negotiation and sometimes with an elongated negotiation process. What the whole process did though, was to keep management on their toes and stick to the agreements(in the main) that had been agreed. It would seem that LNER management have some rogue individuals that, for whatever reason are chancing their arm. Does £70k a year seem alot for what they do?- no not really, does £30k seem a lot for a teacher?-no way. Some would think what we got paid was too much. It's all subjective and very much based on one's own experiences in life.
Personally I served a 4 year apprenticeship in heavy engineering, when it cost to much over here work simply moved abroad. Six months in South Africa reassembling the factory out there gave 2 of us enough to begin again over here which involved awful lot of working away from home missing a lot of time with kids but was financially rewarding, nobody gave you anything it was earned. Sold up 20 years ago as British engineering was basically knackered. Now work in energy sector. Every job has a worth and I'm all in favour of wealth from profits being shared with those who create it but the public sector has to be supported by the private sector any thing that made a profit was flogged off as I recall.
Dont support any more strikes on the railways , give it up boys, people need to get back work . Would expect 99% of people would agree
The strikes are all but over. RMT and ASLEF look like they're both going to accept the offers on the table. The LNER strike is completely separate to that and isn't down to a pay dispute but instead is because they have issues with the management who are being accused of bullying and riding roughshod over agreements with employees. How true that is I don't know but if it is then that's totally unacceptable because I'm sure nobody advocates bullying in the workplace.
Dont support any more strikes on the railways , give it up boys, people need to get back work . Would expect 99% of people would agree

Wrong thread.

Aslef said its member drivers at LNER would walk out every Saturday between 31 August and 9 November and on every Sunday from 1 September to 10 November.

The strikes are all but over. RMT and ASLEF look like they're both going to accept the offers on the table. The LNER strike is completely separate to that and isn't down to a pay dispute but instead is because they have issues with the management who are being accused of bullying and riding roughshod over agreements with employees. How true that is I don't know but if it is then that's totally unacceptable because I'm sure nobody advocates bullying in the workplace.
Thanks for the explanation
Personally I served a 4 year apprenticeship in heavy engineering, when it cost to much over here work simply moved abroad. Six months in South Africa reassembling the factory out there gave 2 of us enough to begin again over here which involved awful lot of working away from home missing a lot of time with kids but was financially rewarding, nobody gave you anything it was earned. Sold up 20 years ago as British engineering was basically knackered. Now work in energy sector. Every job has a worth and I'm all in favour of wealth from profits being shared with those who create it but the public sector has to be supported by the private sector any thing that made a profit was flogged off as I recall.
So I still don't understand why you're so pissed off that a group of workers,with whom you have no connection, are being awarded a multi year pay rise that has still failed to keep up with inflation. Also don't forget the ral operating companies are ususally allowed to up their prices every year,not just by inflation, but actually by the higher measure of inflation that is RPI.
I thought the rail companies were private, so why are the drivers been paid by the public sector? Or have I got this completely wrong?
I thought the rail companies were private, so why are the drivers been paid by the public sector? Or have I got this completely wrong?
As I understand these 'private' companies receive government subsidies yet still manage to pay their shareholders dividends. Nice work if you can get it. The whole setup is a mess, rather than privatise the railways because "private industry promotes competition and better service" we should have just found better managers for British Rail and just accepted the fact that the public purse needs to subsidise public transport (as it does in most other countries). Same with water, following privatisation the boards of water companies paid themselves massive salaries and bonuses at the same time as cost cutting that has led us to where we are now. The private sector is in any game to make profits not provide a public service.

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